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I discovered many things that day, but not that driving when exhausted and faint from blood loss was a bad idea... because it wasn't exactly a bad idea, it just meant our journey included 8 stops... Seriously, we would've gotten back earlier and safer if I was drunk or maybe pregnant, lets say I hated that journey more than life itself. Connell was definitely not a fan of being awoken by the sound of puking the first few times we stopped. I read somewhere once that an encounter with a Hetrian witch can seriously mess up your brain signals and may make you throw up a few times and need to pee or fart and burp a lot. In my case I was actually more glad that it was throwing up and peeing.

It was pitch black in the warm spring night, and Josselyn was glad enough to see us, if not concerned by our covering of blood that mostly wasn't our own and aroma of puke. "Not a clean mission, then eh?" Josselyn asked, out of curiosity.

"Nah, we had 10 to fight and one was a Hetrian witch. Almost had me barbecued if Juno hadn't bludgered her to death with this other guy's baseball bat." Connell replied.

"Well that explains the smell of smoke and puke..." Josselyn said bitterly, "I almost severed this one man's head off with a dagger and it was the only real messy thing, the rest is my own blood really," I explained as she looked me up and down in disapproval.

I felt as though Josselyn had already determined me as a failure but much to my confusion, she burst out laughing. " Well done! Oh when I read your files and work experiences I thought it was kidding when it said, creative and lethal with blades, You keep workin' on that kiddo!" She snorted and went off to find a hose.

Connell and I rinsed ourselves off before coming back into the cavern, Lucas was in the side room workshop hacking through some wood and Edith just perched on a bench chatting her head off. The remaining salty smell of blood around me made me want to gag as Connell and I entered the room where our other 2 collegues were. "Fun mission?" Lucas laughed at us and our current states before slashing his axe through a new log.

"Not funny pal," Connell grumbled, perching next to Edith. I collapsed into a nearby beanbag chair. Edith frowned at the both of us and went to fetch bandages, a cloth, some water and a bottle of medicinal stuff.

"Why'd you leave cuts like that open, Ju? I thought one of you would be smart enough to bring bandades," Edith muttered whilst she began to nurse Connell's tormented torso, ridden with bruises and reopened scars. Lucas dropped his axe and brushed his hands together, "Don't say things like that Edith, we all know how unprepared for your trials you were... we all know they weren't exactly easy either," Lucas retorted at Edith who was obviously in a bad mood already, she was that morning as well so if I was Lucas I wouldn't tease her.

Edith rolled her eyes, "Hush, would you, Lucas? Maybe Connell and Juno would benefit from you speaking less," She snapped. Perhaps Lucas and Edith shouldn't be left alone when Edith's PMS-ing, she woke up early and screamed in annoyance as she went into the bathroom down the hall. "Edie, calm down," Connell tried to soothe Edith's bubbling temper as she soothed his wounds.

"Can you pass that cloth, Lucas? I'm not sure if its going to live through Edith's hormonal rage so I'm going to have to use it now," I said to Lucas who was just stood looking amused by Edith's personality changes. He laughed and chucked me the dampened cloth whilst Edith glared at me.

"Oh, Josselyn made you both sandwiches for when you got back," Lucas said handing me a plate, I took a bite out of the wholegrain bread stuffed with lettuce and slices of brown meat. The taste of turkey and mustard filled my mouth, " 'Ank 'oo!" I said to Lucas with my mouth full of turkey sandwich.


We had all chatted for a while before I decided to get a briefly early night. I could hear them talking downstairs through, Josselyn. Adam, Lucas and Edith, Connell had previously gone to bed thanks to his poor physical condition, "She's good," Josselyn's voice said.

"She's a child who spent most of her adolescence learning to kill people," Came Adam's voice.

"You said the same about me last year, look at me," Edith's voice echoed.

Josselyn: "He's said the same about you all Edith! Your too stubborn thinking about how this will impact your position, Adam!"

Josselyn's voice came powerful but Adam snapped: "I know we'll have to retire soon! That's not what it's about this time! I'm saying that that woman has spent 4 entire years of her life training in the royal guard! There ways are hard and brutal and stiff and she's been whipped before, I can tell! She won't know anything about being careful as they only use brute force over there, so she'll be as messy as needs be and if push comes to shove she won't hesitate to stick her knife at us."

I could practically hear Lucas rolling his eyes at Adam's antics, "She has a sense of humour, I was on the guard before I started here, remember? If they haven't beaten that out of her then there's still room to learn, Connell told me, when I was taking him up to our room, she saved his hide twice and then drove all the way home despite getting witch fever and puking all over the sidewalk, she seems loyal enough to kill 2 people and drive back to a home she barely knows the way to just to protect a new friend."

Oh yes, I felt so humorous in that moment, I could crack a joke about bloody anything at that moment, listening to 2 old wisecracks and 2 friends I tried to make decide whether I'll live through the trial missions or be a good agent was the most hilarious thing known to man. I was not stressed at all if that was what you were wondering...

It'll be Fun- She said, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now