Chapter 54

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They ran through the sticky corridors, their shoulders and elbows grazing the rough walls as they turned down narrow corners. Her hand felt small and damp inside his. He looked over his shoulder at her when the pulling of her hand in his became a tug. She had tripped and sat rocking on her knees in the dim hallway hewn from stone.

A blue-grey hue had suddenly swallowed up the healthy pink of her skin and her eyes had a deep shadowy-hollow beneath them. Beads of sweat clustered on her forehead and upper lip. What's going on? She never once complained about not feeling well. He knew it was her distrust that made her unwilling to receive his help.

He held back a fierce desire to rip the pendant from her neck. If he couldn't force her to believe the truth then he would have to show her how everything they had been taught in Lael was slowly losing its grip on him. A new reality had begun to dawn with new memories that weren't really new, just remembered.

He tossed his bag to the side and grabbed Shai's from her. If he had to he'd carry her, but not with both bags. He grabbed her hand tightly and pulled her up. Every time she tripped and stumbled in the half-light of the tunnels he encouraged her with a ragged whisper, "Keep running."

He turned left then right then left again before he stopped in front of a small wooden door. Shai's hand went limp in his. He turned around and saw she had collapsed on the ground.

The sound of footsteps echoed in the corridor.

Aliah ran his hand across the lintel above the door. Please be there. Please.

His heart thundered in his chest, his head and his ears. He touched cool metal and curled his fingers around it. Relief made his knees weak. After all these years no one had moved the key.

He unlocked the door and put the key back before half-dragging Shai's limp body through the door way. He shut the door with his foot then dropped her bag on the floor before sliding an arm around Shai to hold her up. He patted the wall near the door until he found a small knob. When he turned it, it made a popping noise and a yellowish light filled the room.

Nothing had changed. Three wooden chairs with overstuffed brown cushions stood opposite two cots on one side of the room. To his left was a small kitchen and another smaller room that he knew was the bathroom. He inhaled the musty smell and blinked back sudden tears. Home.

He picked Shai up and carried her to the smaller cot that used to be his, removed her shoes, and covered her with a blanket. Its scratchy texture and grey color reminded him of Lael. He tucked it under her chin just as he heard the door knob rattle and muffled voices.

"Hey, someone locked it. Did you lock it?"

"How could lock it? You have the key."

Aliah ran across the room, tripped over Shai's bag and slammed into the rough stone wall. He rubbed the bruise on his elbow and cursed under his breath. He twisted the light switch to offthen pressed his back against the wall just as he heard the sound of a key twisting in the lock.

The door opened and two dark figures entered. One tapped the wall near Aliah, feeling for the light switch while the other one shut the door. Something thumped followed by a mumbled, "Ow. Who left that there?" Warm fingers brushed Aliah's arm and he grabbed them in a quick, sharp twisting motion.

"What the—"

Aliah yanked the person against him and slid his arm around their neck while his other arm gripped a handful of their hair. Their heart beat furiously beneath his arm.

The light snapped on and illuminated a young boy around fifteen who sat on the ground with the strap of Shai's bag around one foot. He feverishly rubbed the ankle of his other foot. Large grey eyes stared up at Aliah.

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