Chapter 8 - "Why did you come over?"

Start from the beginning

"Hey," she said, "did you come here with Jace?"

The question threw Haley.

"Why would you think that?" she asked.

The girl smiled as if the answer were obvious. To Haley, it wasn't since they had left after everyone and she hadn't walked in with him.

"You're carrying his extra helmet," the girl said.

Rising her hand, Haley became aware that she was indeed still holding the helmet. A part of her felt like throwing it at Jace at that moment since he was the reason she was even at this house.

"Yeah, he drove me here."

"I love riding Jace's bike," the girl said. "He's been sweet enough to driven me home a couple times."


Haley didn't know where the conversation would normally go at this point and just stood there. Luckily, she was saved by someone calling out to the girl. Giving Haley a small smile, the girl left. Relieved, Haley moved further into the kitchen. She set the helmet down on an empty counter and snagged a piece of pizza, figuring eating would give her some excuse for not talking.

She stationed herself in the kitchen's breakfast nook and tried to remain off the radar. Her plan worked well through the entire slice but ended there. As she was taking a sip of soda, Isaac came over and sat down opposite her. Despite her aversion to mingling, Haley felt it could be worse. There was something about Isaac that made her comfortable but she didn't know why.

"What's a doll like you doing in a place like this?" he asked, his voice dropping into a low, old fashion cadence.

"Doll?" she asked.

Isaac adjusted his glasses and made a face. "I have to admit it sounded better in my head."

"I'm not sure that's comforting since it meant you actually thought this through."

Isaac laughed. It was a sound Haley was becoming accustomed to. Easy with a hint of self-mockery as if he knew himself to be the butt of every joke. For some reason, Haley found it endearing. An emotion that she quickly shut down when it popped up.

"It was that or 'want to bust out of this joint'," Isaac said.

"Prison jokes, always a classic."

"Probably should have gone with that then."

Haley shrugged. "Hi would have worked as well."

Isaac found something in his fingers interesting and stared intently at them.

"Yeah, but you were sitting here alone and you kinda had this look that if I tried any normal approach you might just stare at me until I walked away."

He looked up at her as if to see whether he had thought correctly.

Haley was surprised how truthful that was. She had learned a long time ago not reacting was actually the quickest end to any interaction. This fact must have shown on her face because Isaac gave a soft chuckle.

"Why did you come over?" she asked.

"I don't know, you were alone. I figured it was party and people normally talk at parties. Also, we never talked much this week I thought...I don't know we or something..." He winced as if he were regretting his words.

"Oh...yeah..." Haley didn't know what to say. Not talking had been her plan the whole time but admitting that was not going to happen.

A loud chorus of agreement rose from the congregation in the family room. The noise drowned out, for a second, the awkward tension between Haley and Isaac as they used it as an excuse to look over. As part of the group took off towards a doorway, Jace glanced around, searching. When he spotted Haley he trotted over.

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