Still No Date For The Prom?

Start from the beginning

[A/N: I spell checked on hokey pokey (I originally put hokipoki) and one of the suggested words was 'hoecake.' I had to take a break...]

"Holy fuck!" I wheeze, thrown out of my flashback by a foot making contact with my side. It felt like I'd suddenly been drenched in ice water.

As it turns out someone had managed to make it into the creepy lower levels of the stadium's labyrinth of halls. Too distracted by the peeling pastel blue painted walls to notice me laying half dead on the ground.

Maybe I'm being a bit dramatic, I felt half dead though.

Judging by the large amount of pain in my side they were running, probably from something because let's be real; who runs? My guess is they're running from what's her face... Jane?

"Way to kick me while I'm down, literally." I cough, hoping no one ever does that again. The douche bag that tripped over me groans.

"You tool!" I sound like someone on spitting hateful word on their deathbed while coughing and wheezing. "Dear god, that hurt like a bitch." I whine, clutching my side like an over-dramatic actor.

My accidental attacker sits up one foot still sprawled over my stomach, he flips over. I pay no mind to him, continuing my rambled whining.

"I could really go for some Chinese food right now." I felt like I needed to vomit, the impact to my side was brutal. I wanted to spill my stomach's contents but at the same time food sounded great.

A laugh echoes through the hall, coming from the asshole next to me.

"You've got to be kidding me." Calum laughs, every other laugh coming out silent. "I'm running around worried about you and you're lying on the ground thinking about food? Unbelievable." He chucked, shaking his mini curls at me.

Suddenly, I feel the need to retract my earlier name calling... Not because its Calum or anything.

"Believe it you tool belt, you just fucking kicked me in the side." I whine again.

Then again, maybe not...

"You're the tool belt! You had me worried sick, ditching your phone like that." Overbearing mother Calum has reared her ugly face. He tosses my phone at me, I don't remember dropping it.

Just kidding, everything about Calum is flawless.

We had both gotten up at this point.

"You were worried?! You basically ran offstage, disappearing before I was off! How do you think I feel? You can't just demand that I kiss you and then run off like some kind of second grade girl!" I shout angrily, lip quivering, causing overbearing mother Calum to retract immediately.

I bite my lip, hoping the trembling will halt when my teeth clamp down on it.

Calum looks down at his scuffed black converse, dragging one slowly along the old tiles work. "You left your Twitter open." He mumbles in a small voice, looking up to give me overly sad puppy dog eyes with a hint of wetness in each.

"Did I do that?" He asks, eyes turning red.

"No, no, no, no, no." I quickly move forward to envelope him in a hug,

I really can't let Calum blame himself for anything, he becomes dreary and the sun seems to disappear when his smile is gone. Its not his fault that I'm getting hate, I'm the one that initiated the kiss.

Its my fault.

Its my fault for kissing him.

Its my fault for allowing him to break me.

Its my fault for allowing him to know so much about me.

Its my fault for falling in love.

"Its not your fault, don't worry." I whisper with my lips pressed to his forehead.

"Its never been your fault."

A/N: Brilliant idea Kayla! Update at one in the morning! Excellent! I don't know if its just me but this chapter seems hella deep. . . Once again, thanks quantum-fags for the beautiful cover! xx

If you get the movie reference in the title for this chapter, you're cool. If you didn't, I guess you can still be cool. (Its from Vampire's Suck)

FUN FACT: Dimples are caused when the skin of your cheek is attached to a muscle. I have one dimple.

ANOTHER FUN FACT: I like to screech random lyrics in songs. Its nice one second and the next I'm belting the lyrics in a higher pitch and it sounds like a flock of baby pterodactyls.

LAST FUN FACT: Shrek is love, Shrek is life.

Have a lovely day! Until next time. xx

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