"Don't be an idiot, sit down let the medicine do its work and you have some explaining to do about last night"

I oblige feeling too weak to stand up anyway "What about last night?" I remember everything down to the kiss

"So tell me, why did you ask me to take you to my house instead of yours?"

"Well, I kind of lied to my parents about going to a sleep over with my friends" I sketch out not meeting his eyes because he doesn't like me lying to them


"They've been complaining about my continuous partying lately and its good I lied to them because I wouldn't have been able to go back home  the way I was. Thanks once again Kai" I add to soften him at least

"I don't care if you lied to them but what isn't cool is that you got me involved and I've told you never to get me involved in your lies " He snaps at me "What if something had happened to you? your would have blamed me because I was with you and was a part of your lie. What you did was foolish and risky so never never involve me in your lies or better still, tell your parents the truth because they're understanding"

His words pierces more guilt into my chest "I'm sorry Kai" Then I try to cheer him up "If it makes you feel any better I can assure you that my parents adore you too much to blame you. In fact they'll see you as a hero for saving me from drowning and I'm leaving soon"

"True" He agrees after a brief consideration "So I need to know something, why did you kiss me? " He asks

My heart skips. I've been hoping that he wouldn't ask me this so that we can pretend it never happened. I clear my throat looking down at the half full glass of water I placed on the bed stand "I kissed you? I don't remember that happening" I decide to give an  unconvincing lie

"Is that so?" I imagine him raising a brow "How come?"

"Look, I was tipsy and I don't really remember such happening" I move my eyes to the wall and try to change the subject "These paintings are nice.. did you paint them?"

He isn't fazed by my attempt yet he still answers "I did" then he urges impatiently "Now answer me Isabelle"

"Alright because there's no lying to you anyway with your eye reading abilities" Giving up, I turn my face meeting his eyes feeling a slight tingle in my chest as it does when we touch "I thought you were Owen and you know it too" I say earnestly but deep down i feel as I lied due to the fact that my perceptive side knew that there was something different about him that proves that he wasn't Owen from his features down to the emotions that came with the kiss.... This leads me to wonder why I felt with Kai the things I always wanted to feel with Owen? and did he feel it too? "But you kissed me back didn't you? " I accuse

He raises a brow like i'm insane before speaking "You forcefully grabbed my head and almost swallowed me and i swear i thought that I wouldn't have a head anymore before I managed to escape death by strangling or swallowing so is that what you call me kissing you? "

"Isn't that too much Kai? I'm sure that it wasn't like that because I neither have an iron grip nor a big mouth" I argue

"You think?" He hisses "That's how i remember it but If you were in the wonder land, no problem but please leave me out of your problems because I can't keep getting entangled in your mess" He warns seriously

I frown getting fed up "I already said i'm sorry and besides, you're my friend and I needed you"

"You have other friends"

"I tried reaching them before you" I explain "You were the only one available and if you hadn't come, I would have drowned"

"Count yourself lucky but If you call me next time don't expect me to be pick up"

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