Part 18: Goodbye: God Be With Ye

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"Test? No, I'm just curious." With that segue, Selina told the teacher of her history with arts, and the two exchanged stories and interests.

Sylvia, stuck with Selina, sat herself at one of the easels and busied herself, while Selina was more than happy to wait their time in arts. By the time one of the novitiates came to get them, the teacher made Selina promise to find her in the future if she ever opened a gallery. The novitiate returned them to the main office where Sr. Irene was sitting with one of their parishioners. The man, probably in his late 30's, got up to greet them, and was surprised at what he found.

"Aren't they... a little young?" He asked the woman in charge.

"We're quite old enough, thank you very much." Sylvia informed him.

"What she means to say, is that she's 16. And I'm 15... soon."

"Oh, I see. That's the legal age in this state."

"They'll be needing a place to stay, as well."

"Well, there's a motel walking distance of the warehouse. Run by an old Philippine couple. Some of my other workers come from there also. I may be able to fix you there, if you can do the work I got."

"Can you take them with you today?"

The man shrugged with his hands in his pockets.

"I'm here now, if you girls want to go?"

"As long as I'm outta here..." Sylvia whispered in her shoulder.

"We'll take that."

"Great, I'm gonna get the car going."

Sylvia followed their boss out while Selina waited a minute.

"Thank you," she began, holding the nun's hand, "for everything. I'll come say goodbye to Maggie tonight."

The old woman smiled and gave her hand a squeeze. "God bless you, my child."

Witt that goodbye, Selina ran out to the car, and their new boss took them to his warehouse.

His name was Andrew Hathaway, and he ran an arts and artifacts warehouse. Him and his company bought art pieces at auctions and such events, and then sold them along to galleries and museums and rich people.

Sylvia was simply grateful for having work, while Selina was thrilled to be working at an arts place. The whole ride long, she asked Mr. H. about his collections and artworks, if he had anything from a famous Australian painter, or a sculpture from Jeff Koons. Andrew was happy to answer her, and noted that she was more knowledgable than half his staff in the warehouse.

At the warehouse, Andrew introduced them to older workers and walked them through the place, showing off the different jobs and responsibilities. Selina was more interested in the artwork, and held long entertaining conversations with her boss. Sometimes, she couldn't believe he'd paid such a small price for such a big piece, and Andrew was happy to know it's actual worth. Other times, it was Selina who was impressed with what the man had the ability to pay.

For the day the two girls shadowed other workers, helping out where they could. They put together crates for the items to be shipped in. Other times they filled boxes with packaging peanuts and bubble wrap. At dinner break, Andrew came down to take them back to the abbey for the day. He talked with them about which work they took liking to, and promised Selina a promotion once he got to know her better. They arrived at the church barely in time for dinner, and Andrew gave them twenty bucks each for the day before leaving.

Maggie was happy to see Selina come back, as she had left without a goodbye. The girls had dinner together and shared their days adventures. Maggie had already made some acquaintances at school, and Selina and Sylvia had okay fun at the warehouse. After a long day for all, they were happy to get to bed early.

They went to their room and as soon as the door opened, a happy yowl came and Isis cozied up against Selina's ankles. Selina too was happy to see her kitten, and scooped her up.

"Hi!" Selina cooed. "I'm happy to see you too! Did you have fun exploring today?"


"Alright, I'm gonna go to bed girls. See you in the morning!" Sylvia yawned and fell on the bed, dozing off.

"I'm ready for bed too, Sel. Look!" Maggie called for her sister's attention and showed off her new pajamas. "They gave me these new ones. Our olds clothes are in the wash."

"That's nice of them." Selina said unamused as she stroked her kitten. "Hey Muggs, let's go walk in the chapel."

"Since when do you like church?" Maggie joked.

"I like the candles. Makes me feel calm. Come on."

Selina cradled Isis in one arm and dragged her little sister down to the chapel. They strolled casually down the aisle, and Maggie stared at her older sister as she silently drew her fingers through her pet's fur.

"Selina?" Maggie pushed


"You gonna say something?"

"Oh, yeah. Have a seat, Muggs"

The girls sat in the first pew and Selina dropped Isis to the floor, letting her roam.

She took a breath and revised her speech in her head before speaking.

"Alright Muggs, here's the deal." She took her sister's hands and massaged them. "We can't stay here for free."

"But you don't have any money!"

"Exactly. Which means I'm gonna have to go to work."

"Selina, what are you doing?" Maggie asked, her voice beginning to crack.

"Muggs," Selina finally looked up in her sister's eyes.

"I found work, Maggie. Me and Sylvia. But I can't do that staying here."

"You, you aren't going to leave me are you?!" Maggie finally broke, squeezing her sister's hands to keep her in place.

"You love it here, Muggs! The sisters are so nice, and you go to school. You'll have friends, and home, and food. You won't even notice I'm gone."

"But, yo-you're my sister! And I love you!" Maggie hugged her sister, tightly wrapping her arms around.

Selina broke too.

"I love you more than anything, Muggs! And I'm doing this for you! Please don't make this harder for me! I promise I'll visit you whenever I can. You gotta be brave for me, okay?"

Maggie sniffled and let go, sitting up.

"O-okay. But you promise promise you'll visit me!"

"Whenever I get the chance, I promise there's nothing that'll keep me from you. Now, let's go to bed, huh? School day tomorrow!"

"You'll let me say goodbye, okay?"

"Okay. But you won't wake up if you don't get to sleep."

"I'm going, I'm going!" Maggie ran back up to the guest room, leaving Selina to wait for Isis.

In the morning, they attended morning prayer and had a solemn breakfast. Even a new uniform didn't cheer up Maggie. But Selina made jokes to her and asked her to make friends in school so she could tell stories whenever they met next. Andrew came around 7 in the morning to pick up the older girls, their carryons with them. Maggie carried Isis as she stood by Sister Irene, waving off her sister with a broken heart, not knowing when they would meet again.

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