~Chapter 16~

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You trembled, eyes locked into the red that dotted the snow. Your blade laid alone, thrown aside soon after your attack. "Sans I'm.. I'm so sorry... I... didn't mean..."

Red trickled down your face, adding to the white portrait beneath you. You froze, fear locking your body. You looked up, trembling. Realization overwhelming you, you crashed into the snow, clasping your hands over your face.

Your stomach burned sharply, the laceration not puncturing far but still hurting. Above you Sans purched in a tree, red staining the back of his hood. He lifted it, throwing aside a bottle of ketchup before jumping down. "(Y/N)! Are you okay?!"

You lifted your top gently and probed the shallow puncture. With a shallow, gasping laugh, your head dangled forward, tears falling into the snow and burrowing small holes into the powder. "Why in the world do you have ketchup in your hoodie?" You asked.

"Wha- I, (Y/N) you just stabbed yourself! Are. You. Okay?" He pushed you back by the shoulder, looking at your self-inflicted wound. You knocked his hand away roughly and lowered the hem of your shirt back down. Placing your palm into the crook of his neck, you pushed yourself onto your feet. Your free hand pressed gently over your stomach. "I'll be okay. It's not nearly as deep as it could have been. It'll heal without any stitches. Like a rough scrape."

Sans followed in your movements, never once shuddering or hesitating. Your eyes were locked into his fluid, almost impossible motion. It was no wonder he danced so beautifully.

"How can you know for sure? You could be in shock! You could-"

"Sans, trust me. I know." You pulled your hand away from him and laid your eyes into the distance, shifting about to move. "But I think it's safe to say I won't be able to dance anymore today. We should head back."

Sans stood aghast, thrown off rhythm by your level head. Your cool expression gave nothing away, and when your glassy eyes turned towards him, you offered only a smile. A tear dove down from your eye, and your hand trembled. Your body hunched forward just slightly, and your shirt was now stained an unsavory, sticky red. While your expression betrayed nothing to your emotion, your body was far more expressive. Sans took you gently and sighed, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, I guess I'll believe you for now. Let's head back." 

Sans took you by the elbow and the familiar blue magic you now knew to be his enveloped you whole. Your body felt weightless for a brief second, almost numbing in a way, before you hit the ground hard again. You rocked on your heel, stabilized by Sans firm grip on your arm. You hissed gently but composed yourself as you flopped down onto a bed. "So Sans, why your room? Didn't want to let the others know I was hurt or didn't want them to know we ran off alone together? I seem to remember thinking you'd promised Papyrus that you'd spend some time actually working today. Of course I can't really blame you for doing anything otherwise." 

Sans spared you a glance but you couldn't help but sense you'd struck a nerve somewhere along the line. Of course you had. "You're bloodied up. We both know that if Frisk saw it he'd panic, regardless of whether or not you say you're okay." He explained bluntly. "I'll get you some bandages and a new shirt. I shouldn't take too long, just stay here." 

"Yeah, I will." 

Silence carried on for moment as he looked at you. You kept your gaze upwards on the smooth white ceiling. From downstairs you could hear song erupting from the large stereo, something high-tempoed and chirping. It seemed like one of the neutral songs they'd play in competitions to gauge one's ability to freestyle. You escaped reality for a moment, imagining what it would be like to get to watch Frisk participate in one, how he might react to this song. Maybe he was downstairs right at that moment, dancing without your imposing. You had yet to see him since you lost yourself to rage. You heard Sans sigh before disappearing once more, walking outside his door and closing that behind him. 

I Don't Dance, I Perform ~DanceTale!Sans x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now