~Chapter 1~

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You groaned, rubbing your head as you sat up. Frisk laid on top of you, still knocked out. You shook him gently and cooed to him. "Come on Frisk, wake up."

He groaned, batting your hand away. You shook him again and he literally growled at you. Rolling your eye and laughing, you shoved him off your legs and let him panic as his head hit the ground. "Ouch! What was that for?!" They asked.

"You growled at me, ya dingus. I just shoved you off my legs."

"But it hurt!" He whined.

"Oh wah, grow up you big baby." You teased.

He huffed and sat up, looking around you. You mimicked him, examining your surrounding. "Where are we?" He asked, awestruck.

Your hand brushed over the golden blooms below you and you began to pluck them, weaving a crown. Frisk stood and walked around, looking for an exit. Quickly finishing the crown, you laid it on his head and pointed to a dim path. "I think that's the only way to go." You said.

"Are you sure?" Frisk asked.

"Well did you suddenly turn into spiderman and gain the ability to climb walls?" You retorted sarcastically.


"Then there's your answer!"

Frisk rolled his eyes and crossed his arms sassily. "You're a jerk." He huffed.

"Tell me something I don't know." You snorted, ruffling his hair playfully.

You led the way down the dimly lit path, your vision much better than Frisk's in the low lighting. As you entered the first chamber, a circle of light gave way to a single patch of grass. You watched as a flower arose in the middle, swaying gently as it looked at you.

"Oh! It seems we have two humans! That's new!"

Your eyes widened and Frisk gasped as a faced appeared to match the voice. "We're new when you're a talking flower?!"

The bloom snickered and your confusion grew. "Well, you clearly don't know anything about the Underground. How about I explain the basics to you?"

You glanced at Frisk and shrugged. Putting your weight into one hip, you nodded. "Couldn't hurt could it."

The flower smiled. "Let's start with names. Hi! I'm Flowey, Flowey the Flower."

You concealed your snicker and grinned. "My name is (Y/N), and this is Frisk."

Flowey nodded and contined. "Well (Y/N), Frisk, welcome to the underground! I know it might be a little weird but don't worry, I'll explain everything!"

You felt the atmosphere shift and your vision flickered. Darkness crept into your eyes until you could only see Flowey. Two glowing hearts appeared in front of you, one red and one (S/C). You gazed at the two hearts, awestruck.

"These are your souls! They thrive on two things: beat and love!"

The thumped in unison and you smiled at Frisk. "I guess we really are in sync shorty."

He giggled and nodded. Flowey seemed annoyed by your interuption, but continued like it never happened. Around him, small white pellets appeared, spinning in place. "These are friendliness pellets! By absorbing these with your soul, you can get stronger! Many monsters will try to battle you, but these will make you harder to beat. And because you're new, I thought I give you some to start off.

The white pellets glided smoothly towards your soul. You smiled gratefully for his help. Boy were you wrong. The pellet was absorbed and you waited. Seconds later, white hot pain laced your body. Your eyes moved to Frisk and you swept your leg towards the pellet, knocking it away from his soul. He fell backwards as a hiss fell from your lips.

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