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Finally, they made it upstairs into a private section. Jungkook went and plopped down on one of the fluffy chairs while Jimin went and leaned on the rail overlooking the crowd.

"Hi, what can I get you?" A bottle service girl asked Jimin after making her way into the section. She had long dark brunette hair stretching down her back with bangs covering her forehead. Jimin turned to look at her and then at his roommate.

"See my friend over there?" Jimin pointed to where Jungkook was sitting and still messing with his outfit, "His boyfriend cheated on him."

"Ah, I see, say no more, I have just the thing," The service girl smiled, "If you need anything, my names Lisa."

Jimin nodded at her and then made his way over to where Jungkook was sat looking bored.

"What's wrong, Jungkookie?"

"I don't know, Jiminie." Jungkook stated, "I just...I m-miss him."

Jimin could already sense the boy was on the verge of hysterics again.

"Jungkookie, listen to me. Screw Johnny. You are too good for that asshole. That bastard took advantage of you, your love, your hospitality and your money. Fuck. Him."

Jungkook looked up at Jimin, his eyes glossing over with each passing second, as he took in his words.

"There's people out there who would kill just to be in your presence," Jimin added, "Literally."

This made the emotional twin smile and let out an airy chuckle at the joke, even though the statement was incredibly true.

"Thank you, Jiminie. You're the best." Jungkook hugged his friend.

"I know," he replied, earning a slap from the younger.

As if on cue, sparks of light started shining at the corner of their eye.

Lisa returned to their section carrying 7 bottles of liquor and followed by at least 10 strippers

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Lisa returned to their section carrying 7 bottles of liquor and followed by at least 10 strippers. They all circled around the 2 boys.

"You know what to do, ladies." Lisa smirked and instantly, hands were roaming all over the boys. Jungkook, not knowing what to do, just sat there with wide eyes.

"J-Jiminie?" He said nervously, looking over at Jimin when multiple hands made their way up under his shirt.

"Relax, take a few shots," Jimin said handing some shots that Lisa had made to Jungkook. Jungkook looked hesitant as all eyes were watching him, waiting.

Fuck it, I came here to have fun, he thought. Jungkook took 5 shots back to back and chugged a quarter of Hennessy. "There you go! Now close your eyes, sit back and relax."

Jungkook did as instructed. As soon as his back collided with the back of the seat, his body instantly melted.

The alcohol was already messing with his senses; everything was amplified. He could feel every vibration from the speakers, every bead of sweat dripping down his forehead and every desperate hand roaming over his body.

However, one hand swiftly made its way down over Jungkook's crotch and began teasingly rubbing over it. Jungkook tensed, not prepared.

"You like that?" One of the strippers whispered into his ear. Jungkook screwed his eyes shut when she began palming him, "Feels good doesn't it?"

In all honesty, Jungkook didn't like it at all. Girls were never attractive to him and they never would be. He tried to push those thoughts to the side and let the girl do whatever she wanted, forcing himself to enjoy it.

However, Jungkook couldn't keep still when she boldly began undoing his belt. Jungkook quickly shot out of the seat, accidentally knocking some of the strippers over.

"Uh, I gotta go to the b-bathroom!" He shouted and darted off.

Jimin watched in amusement as his friend ran off. Jimin knew Jungkook was strictly gay, but he couldn't help but internally laugh at him struggling with the strippers. He knew Jungkook was too nice to tell them that he wasn't interested and he thought about just going over and telling them himself.

But this is exactly what his friend needed to get his mind off that prick of an ex and Jungkook knew that too.

Jimin was in the middle of taking three more shots and getting a lap dance when his phone started buzzing. He reached in his pocket and whipped out his phone. He frowned when he saw who it was and quickly answered.


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