"Cassie overdosed," Mrs. Brooks began sobbing then, and I was finding it hard to watch. I stared at my feet.

"Who the hell are you?" 

"I'm Calum Hood, sir, Cassie's friend."

"Her friend?" He spat the word at me. "I bet you're just like the other boys! I bet you're the reason she did this! I told her to be careful!"

"Dan! He's the one who found her, just be thankful he did," Mrs. Brooks pinched the bridge of her nose and let out another sigh. The nurse from earlier approached once more, informing us that Cassie was only allowed to be seen by family at the moment. She gave me a small, sympathetic smile, and offered to lead the way to Cassie's room. "Thank you again, Calum." Mrs. Brooks said before the pair followed the nurse.

I went and sat in one of the waiting room chairs, burying my face in my hands. She'd be okay, right? She was still breathing, and that's what mattered. I couldn't get over the fact that if I hadn't been early to Leo's. She could've been dead. She was going to be okay- she had to be. I ended up falling asleep in the waiting room, and when I woke up, it was dark outside. I went up to the main desk and asked about Cassie. The woman smiled at me like she was sorry and I felt sick.

"Cassie is okay," she reassured me and I sighed in relief, waiting for her to go on, "but she's asked that no one visits her."


"No one," she nodded. "Her parents left earlier as well."

"You have to let me see her!" I frowned, exasperated and confused.

"I'm sorry, we need to respect her decision."

I stood there with my mouth hanging open before closing it and thanking the woman quietly. I trudged away and pulled out my phone, calling up Mike. I sighed at all the missed calls from my mom, who was probably worried about me. I texted her, letting know I'd be home soon, and not to worry.


"Michael? Can you guys come pick me up?" 

"Where are you? Where's your car?"

"The hospital," I sighed. "My car is at Cassie's house."

"What the hell? Is everything okay?" He sounded panicked suddenly.

"Yeah, just come get me, please. I'll explain then."

"Sure, I'm on my way." 

He hung up quickly and I sat down in front of the emergency room, resting my chin on my knees. I felt like shit. This could've been prevented. I could've helped her. I could've stopped her. My mind was swimming with negative thoughts, and I began crying again. I felt like I was reliving the night we found James. It was no wonder she didn't want to see anyone, we all had let her down. Michael pulled up and I climbed into the passenger seat silently, wiping my face.

"Is she okay?" He spoke when we were back out of the lot and back on the road. 

"I think so," I nodded. He didn't ask anymore questions, which I was thankful for. Music played quietly throughout the car as he drove to Cassie's house. "I've only been here once, but I think I'm going the right way," he chuckled.

"You are," I confirmed with a smile. When we arrived, the lights in the house were on, and two shiny cars were parked out front. "Thanks for the ride Michael. I'll see you at practise tomorrow."

"You sure? We can cancel, Calum."

"No, we have that gig coming up," I sighed. "It'll be a good distraction." 

"Alright, whatever you say. It's up to you." 

I waved slightly as I stepped out of his car and got into my own. He drove off and I made my own way home. My mum attacked me at the door. 

"Where have you been Calum Thomas Hood? I've been so worried!" She pulled me in for a hug. I frowned and hugged her back.

"Sorry mum, my friend got into an... accident."

"Oh no!" She looked up at me. "Who?"

"Cassie, you know, that girl," I rubbed the back of my neck.

"The one you like but pretend not to?" She teased. "Is she alright?"

"Yeah, I think she will be," I smiled at her weakly. "I'm gonna head to bed. Can I skip school tomorrow?" She thought about it for a moment before nodding and smiling.

"Alright, you can."

"Thanks, mum," I kissed her cheek and ran up the stairs. I tried to think about anything but Cassie. I checked my phone to find a group text with the boys, asking me about Cassie. I gave them a vague response, not sure if Cassie would want me to tell them or not. I told them I was skipping school tomorrow, and Luke said he'd fake sick so Liz would let him, too. We agreed to practise again extra tomorrow. Our gig was on Friday night, and if they liked us, it could be a regular thing for the weekends. I watched funny films on my laptop until I dozed off again, very late in the night, trying to occupy myself with anything but the dark haired girl who was laying alone in a hospital bed at the moment. 

im too lazy to attach a photo okay but double update on it's way

did you catch the skins reference

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