Chapter 2

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Authors note**

Okay, soo i hope that was okay for you, i tried to make it interesting, i dont know if it worked but comment anything that ive maybe done right or maybe something that i could improve



Keiras pov

My feet made tiny squishing sounds of the damp forest floor and i walked through the towering trees. It was already getting dark. The breeze rippled softly and the leaves fell down onto the mud. I smelt the fresh, crisp air that surrounded me in this wonderful place. Everything impressed me, the smell of damp leaves, splash of water from stream, cascades over tiny waterfalls, fungus on rotting tree stumps, rustle of roosting birds, wind stirs trees, twigs snapping, curious sounds, eerie noises, owl hoot, hush, whispering trees, ferns like green fountains, crunch of dried bracken underfoot, woodland clearing with purple spikes of Fireweed.

Life was great. Now im just waiting for someone to come along and fuck it up. I started running, dodging the trees. Now that im not away with the faires, i can actually acknowledge how fast im running. Surely this is inhumane. I slowed down to a jog, smelling more and more of the fresh air that soothes me. But my distraction punished me as i tripped over a metal bottle of something, tripped and hit my head on a rock. Im suprised i didnt get knocked out. I layed there for a few seconds then picked myself up. I walked over to the metal container and picked it up. I looked at the label 'irresistible' i was intrigued by this so i decided to spray it. A delightful smell filled my senses, feeling crazy i started running and spraying. Leaving the yummy smell behind. But then, something weird happened. I smelt something bounding towards me. Its funny how i could smell that, i could also sense that it wasnt human. It ran on all fours. Wow, there must be something really freaky going on inside me at the moment. Thinking it was a dog i carried on spraying, i just couldnt stop. But i sensed that as the dog got closer, it didnt actually smell like an actual dog. It smelt like something else. Something bigger. I looked around me but all i could see was a thick cloud of that chemical thingy. So i cant see and theres something probanly hunting me. Great. When the cloud disappered and i could see again, i went to pick my bag up. But i heard a twig snap behind me. Then another. And another. And another. Not knowing what was going on. I started yelling

"Hello anyone there" but there was no answer so i tried again

"Anybody there" i yelled louder this time. Still nothing. Suddenly there was a rustle that came from the bushes behind me. Feeling freaked out, i started running. I ran faster then ever before. Surely i couldnt've followed me. Or could it?

I slowed down to make sure something wasnt following me, or someone. Then it al went blank. In a frenzy if claws, dagger like teeth stained in wet, sticky crimson blood. The last thing i heard was a bloodcurdling growl.

A few hours later

Me eyes opened and tried to take in the surroundings around me. How did i get here? Who brung me here? I got out of bed and a slight pain surged through my ankle. But it was nothing i couldnt walk on. I quickly walked out of my room. But stopped when i heard people talking:

"Listen thank you for helping her but we cant tell her what happened..she has to remember by herself, try getting her to be friends again where's rhydian" she asked

"Um i dont know, he wasnt in school today so" said the ginger one. Wait?! Werent they the weirdo's who started talking really weirdly to me in school today? She kept talking:

"And i dont think that maddy would want us to be her friends again, she called us freaks and weirdos today"

"Listen shannon and you listen aswell tom, look maddy just needs time to adjust, she dosent remember you okay just try harder" said mum

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