"I was actually making food for you and Matt," Edd said cheerfully. Oh, how sweet. Making food to your friends, so you won't get guilty conscience, while you're out and have fun (fun ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)? okay i will stop now). But just wait Edd. Soon that little happy face, will not be so happy anymore.

"Great," i said, and gave Edd a big, fat, fake, smile.


I was walking around the house, when i saw the door to Tom's room. He's probably getting ready to his and Edd's stupid date. I'm sure Tom looks great in a suit. Or a dress. I looked left and right, before i carefully opened the door partly. I looked around in the room, and stopped with the mirror, where Tom stood, only in his boxers. Why do he have to be so hot? He was looking at himself, with a wry smile, and put some deo on. He dropped the deo accidentally and bend down to pick it up. Oh my... that ass. I should probably go now before i get a bo... crap! Too late. When i was about to close the door, it made a creak-sound, and Tom heard it. He turned around, and when he saw it was me, his face turned as red as my hoodie. Maybe because of embarrassing, maybe because of anger, maybe both. But one thing is for sure. I shall run now. I quickly closed the door, and ran to my room, while i could hear a angry voice yell: "TORD!" I locked my door, and lay down on my bed. Phew! That was close. Again. I could hear a hard knocking on my door, and Tom saying some swear words.

"Tord! Let me in so i can kick your ass!" he yelled. He kept bangin on the door, and kicked it. After some time he gave up, and i guess he went to his own room. I really don't hope that he hate me now. Or hate me even more now. It was 6:48 PM, and in a few minutes, Tom and Edd will go to the restaurant. I should have been me who was taking Tom out, and now Tom and Edd will have a good time at the restaurant together. Or maybe... they don't have to have a good time. I smiled evely at the thought. I walked over to my door, and listened to be sure Tom was gone. I couldn't hear anything, so i guessed the coast is clear. I carefully opened my door, and start walking down the hallway. My room is at the end of the hallway, and then Matt's, then Edd's and the last room is Tom's. We all have rooms upstairs, where there also is a toilet. Downstairs is the kitchen, living room, one more toilet, office and the entre. I went down the stairs, and could hear some voices. It came from the entre. I tiptoed over to the entre, and stood beside the doorway.

"Oh, you guys look amazing!" Matt said. "It looks like you are going to a gala or something."

"Aha, thanks Matt," Edd said. "Remember to take care off Tord while we are out, okay? He's a little sad because of some lady."

"Does Tord have a problem with a lady?" Tom asked. Does he sound worried, or is it just in my head? And why did he ask about that? Does he care about me? *GASP!* Maybe i have a chance with him after all.

"Yes," Edd said.

"It's probably just a half-naked anime-girl, who's not even exist. I mean, do you think that Tord who only cares about himself, would ever fall in love with a real person? He's a heartless, evil commie." Ouch! Okay, that hurts. Is that really how he thinks about me? A heartless self-centred devil. Maybe i don't have a chance with Tom after all. He really hates me.

"Tom, stop being so rude!" Edd said. "Tord is a good person, and you know that."

"Oh, is he? Will a good person spy on someone when they are dressing?"

"No, that's sound more like a pervert," Matt said. Jeeze, thank you Matt that helped.

"Tord is not an evil person, or a pervert," Edd said, and crossed his arms. "Okay, maybe a pervert, but that doesn't matter. Come one Tom, we gonna be late." I could her the door close, and that was my sign. I placed myself in the doorway, and when Matt turned his head around, he screamed.

"Oh God, Tord. You scared me half dead!" He said.

"Yeah, but i didn't. And now i'm gonna go for a walk," i said, and started walking to the door.

"B-but are you sure that's a good idea? Edd said you were a little sad about some lady and─"

"I'M FINE!" Matt looked surprised at me, and then looked down. He seems a little afraid and sad. I don't have time to cheer him up now, i need to ruin Tom and Edd's date. I ran out of the door, and jumped in the second car we all share. I overheard which restaurant Tom and Edd was going to, and i started driving. I really hope i won't be late. I had driven for 20 minutes, and then i was there. La Bon. Sounds french. I parked the car, and looked into the window. I scanned the whole restaurant from outside, but couldn't see them. I looked again, and right there in a corner they sat. They're sitting and laughing, like they were a happy, cute couple. I could feel the jealousy inside of me, and i needed to do something, to make it go away. And i have the perfect plan for that. I will call Edd, and ask him to go the men's bathroom. When he's about to go there, there would come a girl (who's helping me with my plan), and kiss him right on his mouth, and Tom would look, and feel like his heart is been ripped out. Then he will run crying out of the restaurant, where i stand, and i will be there to comfort him, and then he will see, how good a person i am, and he will start loving me, and we will be lovers, and we will move away from stupid Edd and Matt, and we will get married, and get childrens and... My thoughts gets interrupted by the worst thing i ever have seen in my whole life. Tom and Edd are kissing. Right there. In the restaurant. It feels like my heart been ripped out, and stamped on. My eyes getting wet, and i started sniffling.

WHY does Tom love Edd?

WHY does he hate me so much?

WHY am i not good enough for Tom?

WHY?! When i looked at Tom and Edd again, they didn't kiss anymore. I can't tell how their faces look, because my vision is pretty blurred, because of my tears. But there's one thing i know. Tom doesn't like me. He never did, and never will. He just think i'm a useless thing. Now when i think about it, he had always only said bad things to me.


"Give me my Tomme bear, you jerk!" Tom yelled, and tried to take his teddy bear, which didn't work very well, since i'm taller than him.

"Sorry, Tommy but i think i keep this little cutie," i said, and placed my hand on Tom's head. He snapped at me, and tried to slap me, but he couldn't reach me, since my hand stopped him from doing it.

"I hate you!" he yelled, and jumped at me, so we both fell. He lay on top of me, and tried to get the teddy bear out of my hand. He couldn't get it, because i'm stronger than him, and then i turned around, and took Tom with me, so it was me who lay on top of him, and he was under me. He looked a bit scared and shocked, which just make him look even cuter. I smiled insidious at the sight, and stroked his cheek. Tom looked very terrified, and tried to push me away, but since i'm way more stronger than him, he couldn't.

"T-Tord get off," he whispered. God, why does he have to be so adorable? I was about to lean down and kiss him, when i a voice yelled: "We're home!" Edd... why does he always have to interrupt me, when i'm trying to have some time with Tom. Suddenly i felt a slap on my face, and i dumped down on the ground. Tom got up, and said with hatred in his voice: "You are the worst person i know! Why do you have to pretend like you like me? Is it fun, huh? Is it fun to play with my feelings? Well fuck you, your crazy commie!" Tom ran downstairs to Edd and Matt, and leaved me sitting on the ground. Why do you think i'm not in love with you? Why do you think i'm playing with your feelings? I sat up and used the wall as a backrest. I bumped my head in the wall and whispered: "Why?"

Flashback end

Well, there is one thing little Tommy was right about. I am crazy. Crazy in my head, and crazy about Tom. I smiled insane, and looked at Tom and Edd who was talking. Just wait Edd... soon you gonna pay for all these times you have ruined my chances with Tom. You gonna pay, for have stolen Tom from me. And i know exactly how. Edd have a big smile on his face. Soon Edd... you wouldn't be able to smile anymore. I couldn't help but start laughing insane, even though i was out in the public. Edd is going to pay.




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