I feel like I'm going to vomit my stomach straight out of my mouth.

I snap my eyes to Finn in terror "Finn she can't find out, she'll never talk to me again"

His brows drop as he tilts his head, looking confused by the fact I look like I'm about to have a panic attack.

I become more frantic, pressing my hands flat against the table as I lean forward "I'm serious,  you can't say anything to her, please, I can't lose her, she's the best thing that's ever happened to me" I beg

"You have no idea do you?" he asks, peering his eyes at me.

I scrunch my face up in confusion "About what? What are you talking about?"

Finn rolls his eyes, sighing "Again, so pretty yet so fucking stupid"

He leans forward grasping my face in his hands "Harry, my sweet dumb boy, Joey is in love with you, she's just to scared to admit it to herself"

He has to be high, was there crack on that pizza?

I pull my face back, gaping at him like he's lost his mind "No fucking way, that's impossible, she would never see me like that"

Finn presses his lips into a flat line, pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance "I'm surrounded by fucking morons" he mutters.

He looks to me, clapping his hands together as he points them at me "Look I love Joey, she is like family to me and she is the kindest person I know but she's sticks her head in the sand when it comes to her emotions like an idiot and she's a stubborn pain in the ass"

"Finn she doesn't-"

"Ears open, mouth shut Harry" he cuts me off "I've known her for fifteen years, not once have I ever seen her look at someone the way she looks at you"

My heart feels like its going to shatter inside my chest, I can't handle the hope that she might ever feel the same way about me when I know it could never be true.

The rejection would crush me.

I close my eyes, shaking my head, trying to ease the agony inside of me "Finn don't say things like that"

Finn huffs, thumping the side of my head "Stop being a stubborn little bitch and listen to me"

I look to him unable to hide the disappointment on my face as I lean back in my chair "She's with Dylan, alright? And even if she wasn't she could never want someone like me"

I look to him unable to hide the disappointment on my face as I lean back in my chair "She's with Dylan, alright? And even if she wasn't she could never want someone like me"

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Finn throws his head back to look at the ceiling, groaning "Lord give me strength"

He flops his head back down to look at me, clasping his hands in front of himself "Dylan, is a fuckwit, she's done nothing but treat Joey like shit since they first met. Joey just puts up with it because she thinks that's all she deserves"

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