- chapter one -

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- set after our skyy, kong and arthit are graduated and live together (in an actual house this time), tew and dae are together but dae is still in university - 

- enjoy! -

In the middle of the night, Kongpob was woken up from his sleep by somebody quietly knocking on the front door. Being the light sleeper he was, Kongpob ignored this noise for a few moments but the knocking continued. Arthit whined in his sleep as Kongpob shifted around in the bed, trying to untangle himself from Arthit's limbs. When he was finally free, Kongpob reached for his phone.

It was 1:00am. Kongpob had no clue why someone would be knocking at his front door so early in the morning, and to be honest, it caused a feeling of dread to wash over him. Kongpob and Arthit had only moved into their own house recently, and they were still adjusting. They  had finally moved out of their small apartment and moved into somewhere bigger and completely theirs'. Kongpob hadn't lived outside of the comfort of an apartment building since back when he was still living at his parents home, so the thought that somebody would maybe try to break into their house had crossed his mind a few times. Kongpob really didn't know what to do if someone was trying to break in.

Caught up in his fearful thoughts, Kongpob hadn't noticed that the knocking had stopped. Not until his phone lit up in his hand, showing him that an unrecognised number was calling him. He accepted the call and brought his phone up to his ear.

"P'Kongpob?" said the familiar voice on the other side.

"Nong Dae?" Kongpob whispered, "Why are you calling so late at night? Is everything okay?" Kongpob remembered giving the boy his number in case of emergencies but he never thought that the stubborn boy would actually use it.

"Um, I'm actually... outside your house right now. I'm sorry if this is weird and I can leave if you want but ... I just didn't know where else to go," The boy rambled, getting more worked up to the point where it sounded like he might cry.

"It's okay, Dae. Stay there. I'll be down in a second," Kongpob said, already getting out of bed to find some clothes and shrugging on a pair of jeans. He hung up the phone and put it back on the night stand. As he did this, he noticed that he had woken Arthit up during his quest for pants. The other shifted around from his place on the bed to face Kongpob.

"What's goin' on?" Arthit slurred, still half-asleep and scowling from being woken up.

Kongpob walked over to his boyfriend and held Arthit's face in his hands gently, "Nong Dae is here. I'm going to go find out what's up with him."

Arthit furrowed his brow, confused, "Why's Dae here?" he asked, brain still fuzzy from being half-asleep.

Kongpob giggled, " I don't know, we didn't talk yet," Kongpob slowly brought his lips to Arthit's forehead in a gentle kiss, "Go back to sleep."

"Mmm, okay," said Arthit, already rolling over.

Kongpob smiled and started to make his way downstairs, not wanting to keep Dae waiting any longer than he already had.

When Kongpob finally opened the front door, he found a very upset Dae, only wearing a t-shirt, shivering from the cold of the outdoors and carrying his backpack with him. Dae wasn't crying, but Kongpob could tell that he was upset and using all of his willpower to keep it together in front of his P'.

"P'Kongpob..." Dae started.

"Come in, Dae," Kongpob offered, stepping out of the doorway.

Dae hesitated, not really wanting to accept the help that he knew he needed, but ultimately walked inside the house anyway, knowing he couldn't stay outside for much longer. 

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