Chapter 2- We Meet Again

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The next day was the day that most students typically dread or fear, but not Sam. He was different from the rest because he was in love with school and learning. Anything new was always fascinating to him. I know, what a nerd, right? Well that's what everyone else called him and he was actually picked on almost his whole life for being smart which made no sense to him at all. Smart people were the ones in this world who always turned out to have a good job, a good life, money, and pretty much whatever else they wanted because they worked hard for it. Only slackers are the unsuccessful ones, that's how Sam viewed it, simple as that.
After a nice relaxing shower, getting dressed, and a warm bowl of blueberry oatmeal for breakfast, Sam grabbed his coffee cup and was out the door, after saying goodbye to Jess of course. The dorm building that they were staying in was thankfully right on campus at Stanford University, aka Sam's dream school for as long as he could remember. He felt like he belonged here, like this place was always calling his name. For once he didn't feel as if he was the outcast of the crowd, so now he could finally fit in and be the so called "normal" he always yearned to be. God, if only Sam knew what he was really in for...
    Sam sighed happily as he pushed open the big wooden doors to the main building, taking in all the sights around him with awe. He almost looked like a bright eyed boy who was visiting Disney World for the first time. The white tiled floors were so shiny he could see his own reflection. To his left was a long, winding stairwell that looked polished and new. On his right was one of the many dining halls with lots of open space and filled with tables and other students who had stopped in there to grab their morning meals fresh from the kitchen. Wow, that room really smelt amazing. One hundred times better than any of the crap hole High School cafeterias he had ever ate in, that's for sure.
    After taking out his phone and looking at the overwhelmingly large, complicated map of the school on the screen, he managed to locate his first period English class which he was very excited for. Sam never liked to brag or anything, but he actually believed he was an impressive writer and he was pretty much obsessed with reading. Anything from history novels to stories about deep, mysterious, yet fascinating outer space.
    The moment he entered the classroom he was greeted by a tall, well dressed man who was wearing a blue suit and a tie, his hair perfectly spiked with a light amount of gel. Gosh, he looked so familiar, Sam could've sworn he'd seen that familiar gaze somewhere before... And then it hit him. This was the same guy from the other night at the bar! Was he seriously his professor?
    Sam was lost in a crazy mess of thoughts while just staring at the man, mouth hanging open a little and eyes wide when suddenly he chuckled softly in an unbelievably sexy voice, " Hello. You must be one of my new students. I'm Professor Smith, and you are?" His hand then went out which was gesturing for a polite shake. The college boy snapped out of his trance when he realized he had spoken, his face flushing fifty shades of red as he nervously stuttered out while firmly shaking his hand, " Y-Yes, sorry, hi.. Who, me? Oh, um, I'm Sam Wesson, sir, it's nice to meet you." Not waiting another moment, he quickly scrambled to sit down in a seat immediately afterwards, already feeling completely mortified for that awkward introduction of his. Sam mentally face palmed himself and then pulled a binder out of his bag, waiting for the class to begin.
The bell rang signaling classes to start and Professor Smith was sitting in his chair with his long bow legs crossed and outstretched on his big wooden desk. Sam couldn't help but watch intently as the man took a big, juicy bite out of his apple, the boy's eyes on Professor Smiths plump lips the entire time. God dammit, can this guy get anymore hot? He doesn't even have to try, Sam thought to himself while tapping his pen on the edge of his desk in between his middle finger and index finger.
    " Good morning, class, my name is Professor Smith as you should all know. I will be teaching you English this year. Now if you didn't sign up for an English course then you're in the wrong room and you may leave. No worries though, it's the first day and we all make mistakes," the devilishly handsome man said aloud in his deep voice which made some of the girls a giggling, flustered mess. Sam could guarantee there was probably several students sitting in here just so they could gaze at the dreamy professor. He couldn't blame them. He'd probably be doing the exact same thing if he was in their position.
The entire forty five minute lesson was Professor Smith, more like Professor Sexy, lecturing about great literatures and the history of how writing all came about. Typically Sam would be fascinated in this and copying down each and every word his professor said but all he could seem to do was stare at him like a child at the window of a candy store. Hell, he even drooled a little bit onto the sleeve of his shirt as his elbow was resting on his desk and his chin on his hand.
    " And that's sadly it for today, everyone, but I'll see you all again at the same time tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it.. Oh yeah, don't forget to study those notes," Professor Smith said which was what finally caused Sam to snap out of it and back to reality. Shit.. Class is over already? I didn't write down a thing! What the hell is wrong with me, day dreaming over Mr. Hunky over there when I should really be paying attention to what's actually coming out of his mouth? Great, Sam, that's just terrific. Way to be a moron, Sam thought to himself with a deep red shade burning all over his face as he rushed to pack away all of his things.
Before he got the chance to get out the door, Sam froze in his tracks when he heard, " Mr. Wesson? Come here, please, I'd like to talk to you for a moment." The Professor then motioned with one finger for Sam to go over to him which he nervously did, clutching his bag to his side and looking up at the man through curtains of brown floppy hair hanging in his face. " Y-Yes, sir? I'm sorry, I know I zoned out today, but it was an honest mistake, I swear. And it will never happen again, don't worry, I'm actually a very good student, I" Sam started to quickly apologize but then he was suddenly cut off by Professor Smith laughing softly.
    " Oh, I'm not here to scold you, no, nothing like that. I just wanted to say that I've read through some of your past school records and that I'm very thrilled to have a student such as yourself in my class this year. You're a smart young man, Sam. Keep it up," the man replied sincerely which immediately calmed the younger one down and made him smile, looking away for a moment with a flattered expression. Getting complimented by a guy as good looking as him felt like the best thing ever to Sam, that was for sure. He stuttered out a thank you before watching as Professor Smith pulled open one of his desk drawers and took out some papers, handing a few pieces in a thin stack to him. " Here, the notes from today, I think you will find these very useful.. See you in class tomorrow, Mr. Wesson." Sam looked down at what was now neatly placed in his hands before gently biting at his bottom lip and smiling wide with a nod. The Professor responded with a smirk and a wink of his eye which practically sent a shiver up Sam's spine. After breathing out a quick goodbye, he rushed out the door to get to his next class. Sam was definitely in for something real interesting with this guy. Maybe sooner than he thinks..

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