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      I could feel both our hearts beating out of our chests with the way we were pressed closer to one other. But after listening to his question one thing was clear to me. Struggle of my parents to be together and how it endangered the lives of people in three kingdoms. I knew  that I can't possibly let this go on like this and let the people suffer. I have a duty to save them.

      That's the moment I decided. I can't possibly say yes to his question.

      I knew that it would break him more than anything else. But I can't continue to make him feel like I'm his responsibility and put his country in danger for no reason. Though we'll have to work together to resolve this issue I must ensure that it remains there. I'm sorry Keith.

      With that thought I raised my head to look into his eyes and that's the moment he let go of me and turned away.

      “I know what you're going to say. I don't want to hear you spell it out. I will make sure…”, his voice broke as he hurried away from the room. I stood there unable to move a single muscle.

      He didn't even give me the chance to talk to him. I should have known it's all but a dream. I held my tears as I gave Aaron a call.

      The next morning I boarded a plane back to Sybil with Aaron. Last night I told him that I'll come straight to the airport and he didn't need to come to the castle. He was confused but didn't ask me anything. Once we boarded the plane he said softly with out turning.

      “It was you who wanted to end things, didn't you?”

      “Unless that's the case, you think he'll let you bring me to Sybil?”

      I asked without turning away from the window.  As the clouds rushed past us I remembered how I was so set on returning to his side while taking this same plane to Sybil. Life is such a joke, was what I thought.

      “I hope you don't regret it”, Aaron said softly as he patted my shoulder.

      “And what if I do? There's nothing we can do about it”, I said with a smile as I turned to look at Aaron. He shook his head disdainfully as he whispered with closed eyes.

      “He regrets. That he'd rushed in trusting you. That you didn't like him to begin with.”

      I turned to him, stunned by his words. What did he mean by that? He looked me sideways as he shrugged.

      “Luke was telling Cathy all about this. That he's never seen Keith vent out to him like that.”

      I was dumbstruck by what I heard. Now the next few hours as expected was living hell for me before I could get off the plane and give Luke a call. I was set on not shedding a single tear up till that moment but I felt my eyes burn as tears rolled down my cheek.

      Now I began to question my reasoning for doing what I did. I didn’t want him to be implicated because of me. And if I'm going to protect my country then I can't possibly drag him into the mess and allow him to get hurt. Worst of all, I don't want to make the people of three nations give away their peace just so I could be happy with the person I love.

      So that's what he thought when he pulled away like that. That's why his words felt like sobs. Now that I replay the scene, he sounded wronged and betrayed. It was like he totally believed I was using him. I could only smile self deprecatingly.

      Of course I betrayed his trust. He once told me, amidst all that was going on, that he trusts me. I've been one to keep my word. But now I despised myself. But what's been done is done.

      Once we got off the plane I called Luke immediately but he wouldn't pick up. After trying for so many times he picked up the call. But when he talked his voice was much colder.

     “Hello? Luke? Is it you? Keith….

      He cut me off with a powerful voice. “His highness has instructed me to not to pick up your calls anymore. I merely picked up to let you know of this. Please don't call again, Miss Meinhalt. And we can help ourselves.”

      Then he hung up without letting me get a word in. It was like telling me to get the hell out of their business. It wasn't until I felt a warm hand on my head did I look up to find Yakov, looking at me with a painful expression. I nodded as I followed him to the car with Aaron. I could see that he's strengthened the security in airport way better.

       The entire car ride was silent but I could feel Yakov glancing my way, worried that I will hurt myself. No sooner had we reached the room I used last time than Yakov called out to me.

       “Bella, if you want to talk it out you should do so. I ain't here for nothing.”

      It was obvious to see that Aaron filled him in at the airport on what was going on with me. I jumped straight into his arms as soon as he said this. I wasn't sure for how long I was crying but he didn't complain as he stood there until I was done. Then he softly said.

      “If you want to meet him to explain things I can send an official invite. He couldn't possibly refuse.”

      I could only laugh at the irony of the situation. A few days ago Keith almost flew himself to Sybil. Today if I had to talk I need to send an official invite. So I shook my head.

     “If that's how it's supposed to turn out then so be it. He doesn't need to know.”

      At my response Yakov’s eyes turned cold as he said. “Maybe you're generous. But how dumb of a Prince to not hear you out before he decided things for himself? I won't let this go, not with you hurting like this. Maybe our country is in trouble. But I don't want the Prince of another country to bully Sybil’s princess.”

       “No, Yakov. You can't. I don't want you to do this”, I said firmly but he doesn't look like he'd budge.

       “No. He owes me an explanation. I asked him to take care of you and he was so much of a jerk to assume his own things. Sybil’s princess is our treasure. He has no right to hurt you.”

      Yakov declared angrily before he stormed out of the room. I stood blankly staring after him when Aaron said.

      “What would you have done if another princess caused me or Yakov the same pain as he did to you?”

      “I would have sued her for hurting you guys no matter what I was facing!”

      My response came unbidden and Aaron smiled. “That's what we will do too. You can protect Keith if you want but don't expect us to be forgiving.”

      I couldn't explain the warmth I felt at that moment but it was there with an undeniable certainty. And though it hurt I know I'd be hurting the people that love me by preventing them from protecting me. With that in mind I turned to Aaron.

       “That's right. I will make sure Keith isn't held responsible for such measly things. And also now I have a kingdom to worry about.”

      “There, there. That's my Bella.” He smiled in relief as he looked like a huge weight has been lifted off of his shoulders.

      As they say, blood is indeed thicker than water.

A/N: This will be a slow update but I've decided to update this story. So please look forward to it.

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