They sighed. "(Boyfriend Name/Girlfriend Name) broke up with me." 

   Your eyes went wide, and you brought them into a tight hug, rubbing their back. "It's going to be alright, (B/F/N). Just, stay determined. One day you'll find someone that truly cares about you the way you care about them."

  Those words made them cheer up slightly. They sniffled, then slowly nodded. "Yeah, you're right. Who cares about relationships anyways? They're just a modern form of torture. Anyways, I was going to ask (BF/GF/N) to the dance, but maybe we can just go together, as friends."

   You laughed nervously. "Well, about that..." You gulped, your face going a little red in the cheeks.

   (B/F/N)'s jaw dropped. "You... Have a date?" You nodded, not making eye contact. "Yeah, are you mad...?"

   Your friend beamed, then squealed. "No way! I'm happy that (Y/N) finally has a date mate!"

   You blushed, rolling your eyes. "Well, I-"

   "Who is it?!" (B/F/N) asked, their eyes extremely wide. You looked down at your hands, then back up. Behind your friend, you saw Chara, Asriel, and Frisk sitting together. Occasionally, Chara was sneaking glances in your direction, smiling and blushing. You smiled back, also blushing.

   (B/F/N) caught sight of this, and smirked. "Ah, Mids Tsundere, eh? So you finally worked up the nerve to talk to her, and then ask her out? Amazing!" 

  "Actually," You started, "She asked me out to the dance."

   "Even cuter!" Your friend beamed, stars in their eyes. "Your crush asked you out! Instead of you asking your crush out! I guess love really does exist in this cruel, cruel world." They sighed.

   "Hey, if you want, I bet I could hook you up with one of them." You gestured toward Frisk and Chara, then (B/F/N)'s face went crimson. "R-really? I'd love that. To be honest, I've had my eye on one of them for quite a while, but I've never really worked up the nerves to talk to them..."

  You smirked, raising an eyebrow. "Who?

   (B/F/N) blushed even more. "..... It's Asriel that-"

   It was your turn to squeal. You held your friend tightly, smirking like crazy. "Aw! You like him! Come on! Let's go talk to them now!" You grabbed your friend's arm, and dragged them quickly to where C.A.F was sitting. 

   "Hey guys!" You greeted, plopping down next to your "friend", Chara. She wrapped an arm around your shoulders. "Hey, (Y/N)~"

   Across the table, (B/F/N) was struggling to make a conversation with Asriel, who laughed at their attempts to, then called them cute. Your friend his their face quickly, a blush spreading across. 

  I guess they were meant to be, huh?

   Chara nodded, chuckling. "Yep."

  You jumped slightly, shocked as to how she read your mind. Chara senses your shock, and let out another chuckle. "Hey, we're all a little weird. If you've been dead for a good year or two like me, you'd be able to tell what somebody is thinking. Trust me, I've possessed so many people in the past that I can read other's minds."

  You tilted your head, confused. Chara just sighed. "Don't judge the logic to it. I'm a once dead girl, now alive because I was able to posses my own body again."

    Frisk looked over at you. "You don't seemed fazed by any of this." You shrugged. "Eh, I've seen a lot of stuff in my life. Glowing crystals, death, talking flowers..."

   Asriel looked at you, just eyes a little wide, then looked away. You brushed it off. "Oh, wow." Frisk mumbled, scratching their chin. 

  Chara cleared her throat. "So, Frisk. Who're you going with to the dance tomorrow?" Frisk shrugged. "I haven't decided yet. Everybody keeps asking me out, but I decline them all."

   Chara rolled their eyes. "Playing hard to get again? Frisk, you're always a flirt." 

   Frisk winked, pointing a finger gun at Chara. "Exactly." Chara rolled her eyes, gagging. She then looked at Asriel, who was still busy making (B/F/N) flustered. "How about you, bro? Who are you going with?"

   Asriel shrugged, leaning his head into his hand. "Dunno. I haven't really asked anybody."

   "Well, got anybody in mind?" You asked, raising a curious eyebrow. Asriel blushed, looking away. "Yeah... But I don't know if they would accept my invitation to the dance..." He sighed, looking down. 

   "Hey, I'm sure whoever it is, they'll accept. You're a really great person, Asriel. If they don't accept, then they're a dickbag." (B/F/N) comforted him, placing a hand on his shoulder. Asriel nodded, smiling. 

   "Just get up, and go ask them." Your friend smiled, their eyes happily closed. Asriel stood up, took a deep breath, then sat back down. "(B/F/N)! Will you go to the dance with me?!" He exclaimed loudly, attracting the attention of everyone in the cafeteria. Chara, who was munching on a chocolate muffin, choked.

   "Oh my freaking gosh! Hell yeah!" (B/F/N) shouted, tackling Asriel to the ground, placing kisses all over his face. You, Chara, and Frisk all chuckled, enjoying the adorable sight.

  Suddenly, the bell rang, dismissing everyone to their next period. You grabbed your backpack off from the ground, and started rolling out. All of a sudden, your wheelchair stopped moving. Then, you felt something warm and wet on your cheek.

  You turned around to see Chara, who had placed a kiss on your cheek. "May I take you to your next class, my lady?"

   You giggled. "Yes, you may."




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