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  "Ugh, when is she coming?" Chara mumbled under her breath, tapping her foot against the ground gently. She looked up at the clock, it had already been about half an hour after school. 
"Who?" Asriel cocked his head to the side. "Who's coming?"

   Chara sighed, crossing her arms. "This girl from school. She was going to come and give you your classwork. But..." She bit her lip, looking down. "It's been a little too long... The school isn't that far from here and this place is a small city."

   "Maybe.. Maybe she had to go home or something before she could come here. Did she specify exactly when she'll arrive?" Asriel asked, sitting up in his hospital bed. The doctors had told Chara, Asgore, and Toriel that he had broken his nose, and shattered one of his ribs. He'd be fine in about a month or two, as long as he constantly rested and drank milk.

   "Well... No... But she could've at least told me she wouldn't be able to make it right away!" Chara stood up, hitting the wall with her fist. Asriel flinched slightly. Chara sighed. "Sorry, bro."

   "It's alright... Why are you so hung up on her, anyways? You like her or something?" Asriel smirked smugly, crossing his arms. Chara's face went a shade of crimson. 

  "N-no! It's just..." Chara looked up at the ceiling, recollecting her memories. "She attempted to save you. But she almost got hurt. (Y/N)... She's tough. And brave. And kind of stubborn. At most of our classes, she kept pestering me and asking questions. But her ability to be annoying like that... It's intriguing...." Chara mumbled the last part to herself.

  "Well then, I guess I owe her." Asriel sighed, lying back down slowly, wincing in pain as he did so. "Even if she wasn't successful, it's her attempt that really matters." 

   Chara just looked out the window. She was deep in thought, thinking about (Y/N). She was curious to know more about you. Why you were so brave, why you didn't seem to care what other people think. Why you really did anything at all. How could she be so accepting of a horrible world like this? Or maybe it was all an act. Just to make it seem like she belongs. But the only one who really knows would be her. 

   A loud noise snapped Chara out from her thoughts. It was a loud blaring siren, so loud that it almost made Asriel and Chara's ears bleed. "What's all the commotion about?" Asriel asked, sitting up once more. Chara peered out the door, looking at what was the causing all that noise. 

  A few nurses were helping pull off a girl from an ambulance onto a portable hospital bed. Chara got a closer look. The girl had (h/c) and (s/c). Her eyes were shut tightly, blood trickling from the left skde of her mouth.


  Chara darted out from the room, and over to her. "(Y/N)!" She called out, her cut covered hands shaking slightly. "Can you hear me?" She asked, placing her hand on your gently. Your head moved slightly, as of to show her that you were conscious. Chara mentally sighed in relief. "Thank god..."

   The doctors rushed you into an x-ray. Chara waited outside the room, staring up at the ceiling. 

  I hope she's alright... Chara mentally thought, her hands still shaking. She didn't look too great... She sighed, hugging her knees. But why do I suddenly care about her? We've only known each other for a day. 

    "Ahem." A familiar voice cleared their throat. When Chara looked up, she saw her brother in a wheelchair, his arms crossed. "What the hell, Chara?" 

   Chara laughed nervously, avoiding eye contact. "Sorry." Was all she said, looking up at the door in front of her. The room you were currently in.

  "Why did you do that? You kind of freaked me out." Asriel rolled closer to Chara, putting a hand on her shoulder. "You look worried. Is everything alright?"

  "She's in there." Chara slowly lifted up her hand, pointing towards the solid white door with the blocked out window. 



  "Ooh. The girl you're so crazy about." 

   "I'm not crazy about her!"

   Asriel lifted his eyebrow. "Really? You barely know her but you pushed hanging out with me when you saw her hurt."

   Chara's face grew warm. "That's anything a normal human would do!"

   "But you're not a normal human." 

   Chara crossed her arms. She knew he was right. She was different, and would always be.

   "Plus, just earlier you said she intrigued you." 

   Chara's eyes widened. "You heard that?" 

   Asriel smugly nodded. "Yeah, and how you were ranting about her bravery. You really need to stop thinking out loud." He chuckled, noticing Chara's face growing extremely red. Chara just groaned.

   "Just admit it, you have a small crush on her!"

   "No! I don't! And I'll never! Just to prove it, I'll become friends with her!" Chara stood up, her fists by her sides. 

   Behind Asriel, a door clicked open, a smirk growing on his face. "Well, looks like you can start on that right now."

  Chara looked behind him, seeing a doctor walk out from the room, leaving the door slightly ajar. Inside was a girl with beautiful (e/c) eyes, sitting alone on her bed. (Y/N).

   Chara nervously gulped, straightening herself up. "Yeah, fine. You'll see." She started heading towards the door slowly, but then she was shoved closer towards it by Asriel, who just gave her a "I didn't do it" face. Chara rolled her eyes, then looked up.

   You were staring down at her, curiosity glimmering beautifully in your eyes. You hair was messy and all in your face, but you still looked great with it.


   Chara gulped again, thinking about what Ariel had said earlier. 

  Maybe I... Maybe I do like her... 

Don't Be A Hero (Fem! Chara x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now