☆29☆ : Devil himself

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Before he could reply to my ridiculous question a choir of voices called out "Master, welcome home!" 

I turned around. Oh damn! Maids and butlers were standing straight in line welcoming their 'master' home. The maids really wore those aprons and the butlers had (of course so cliché!) black suits on. 

"Do you usually rent your mansion for dramas?" I whispered to Jungkook who laughed at my comment. "Well, we actually do that when we're short of money." then he added leisurely "You know, somehow we got to pay our bills, right?" he winked playfully at me before turning his attention to the staff at the entrance of the mansion. 

"Are my parents home?" 

"To answer Master, Mrs and Mr Jeon left for a business trip two days ago. I am not sure whether you were informed though." one of the butlers said. "I see." Jungkook seemed a little relieved it seemed. But the expression on his face left real quick so I wondered whether I just imagined things. 

"Alright, we won't stay here for long." Jungkook dismissed the staff. 

"You'll stay with me at my room." he said grabbing my hand and dragging me along. I gotta say the fancy golden rooms with chandeliers like in the movies were obviously the model for the Jeon's mansion. Damn, I bet even one of their vases is pretty much more expensive than all of my and Ma's ikea furniture!

"Wait, why am I staying in your room?" I know it's not appropriate to ask the host how he is handling his guest but... come on! I am sure there is one free room in that palace, they call 'mansion'! 

Jungkook raised one of his eyebrows at me. My heart pounded loudly in my chest. What are you doing, heart? You're not supposed to react like that! 

"Actually we do. But there is no one near my room." he answered after a while. 

"I don't mind." I uttered following him.

"Well, I do." he said.

"Why?" it took me a moment to realize what he was thinking "Oh, are you afraid I'll steal your furniture?" I asked carefully. I'm broke, yes, but not that broke.


"Actually you don't need to be afraid. I don't steal, I swear!" I said stopping in my tracks. 

"Well, I'm not afraid of you stealing..." he chuckled but then replaced his expression with a playful grin. His eyes sparkled in amusement. "... because you'd rather make a really bad thief." 

"Huh? Are you saying I would not be able to steal even if I wanted to?" I asked in puzzlement.

He nodded. 

"Why?" I crossed my arms in front my chest. 

"Well, first of all you can't distinguish between what's real and what's fake..."

"That's fake!" I pointed randomly at the huge chandelier. There's no way the diamond shape glass is real!

He smirked triumphantly "That's why I would not be worried about you stealing!" 


"Second, you're really really clumsy...." he grinned at me cheekily.

I remembered him seeing me how I slipped when I fell down the stairs when I left the chemistry lab a few days ago. I didn't really fall down the stairs I just slipped a few stairs. No big deal! I remeber how he got to me and asked whether I was fine. I blushed. Why does he always see me in my worst state?

"Third, you have no sense of orientation." he listed.

"What do you mean with 'no sense of orientation'?" I asked sternly.

"Remember last week? You got lost on campus!" he laughed.

"Uh, uh!" I wagged my index finger infront of his face. "I didn't get lost. I was just a little confused!" 

"Oh, really? So confused that you mistoke the boy's dorm for the dance hall?" 

"For your information: I never go to the dance hall. And you gotta admit that both buildings have a similar external facade."

"Mhm, sure...." he mocked.

"I was hungry!" I sulked. I am slightly embarrassed that I got lost on CA campus.

"By the way that's one of the reasons I'd rather have you near me." he added.

"What?" Ehhh, what was he talking about? He didn't just say 'one of the reasons' did he?

"Your lack of a sense of orientation. You'd absolutely get lost here." Jungkook dragged me upstairs to his room.

His room had quite the large windows and was really clean. The walls were painted in gray and the furniture was simple. Actually the intire design called out 'male resident'. 

"I'll stay on the couch and you take the bed." I said when I was done scanning his room. "Okay." Jungkook nodded without complaints.

What was I even expecting?

I then went to the bathroom to change my drained clothing with... a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt provided by my favourite person Jungkook. I, of course washed the drained clothes (with foaming soap because a certain someone does not have curd soap in his bathroom) before hanging them up discreetly. 

When I left the bathroom Jungkook had already changed into comfortable clothes as well. 

I sat  down on his office chair in front of his desk that was empty except from a stack of blank paper and a pen. "So, what's one of the other reasons you'd want me around?" I asked. Jungkook likes to dodge questions. Unless you ask directly he won't disclose anything. 

I wonder what that smartarse is thinking. My guess is that he is afraid of ghosts and does not like to stay alone in his room-

"You have your period. I heard women having their period are extremely annoying to get along with, I want to find out whether that's true." he said without hesitation while dialing someone on his stupid room phone.

I pursed my lips. Arse... he has so many lovers shouldn't he know? 

"Disappointed?" he had already hung up the phone when he continued teasing me.

"I guess you really want to get beaten up by me." I answered as if nothing happened.

"Aww, getting violent already." he leaned against the desk looking down on me. His dimples deepened, which only appeared when he was smiling. He was leaning closer to me until our noses were just a few inches apart. Birds are chirping, the sun's shining-

Suddenly someone knocked on the door. I turned my head abruptly. 

"Come in!" Jungkook said in an authoritive voice. That's how the young master sound like at home?

"Master, we got the dresses you asked for." a maid said while bringing a bunch of clothing in, which looked like... formal dresses?

I looked at Jungkook waiting for him to explain. I'm sure that those aren't for him...

"We need to get you ready for prom!" Jungkook clasped his hands. Grinning like the devil himself. 

Author's note:

No worries, guys! I will finish this story when I'm done with the other story that I am currently working on. I am definitely not giving up on this one! 💚🍉

Can We Be Friends? | jjkजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें