☆Bonus chapter: Gift for 300 reads!!!☆

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Author's note:

Hello ghostreaders (I am an honest person and I hate sugarcoating, so here is the official name for all my readers: ghostreaders ;),

I've been thinking of how to thank you for being patient with this storyline (yes I am aware of the fact that it took a quite long time to get to the 'real plot') and I got the idea of writing a bonus chapter for 300 reads (YES!!!).

So yeah, let's dig into it!

3rd person narrator:

"They are idiots!" he thought.
He was wearing a worn out white hoodie with a pair of sneakers sitting like any other normal teenager at Starbucks using the free wifi.

But what he was doing wasn't ordinary or normal at all.

He knew that if he gets caught then he'd be in trouble. He should not leave any traits behind. However he was leaving just as many as it takes for someone really clever to find him.

He was giving them a chance. A chance to be better.

A kid on the next table was starting to cry.
The parents had a hard time babysitting and drinking their coffee.
On the next table some japanese tourists were taking pics of their muffin and milkshake.

He was giving no sh#t about that. He was used to be invisible. He had perfected over time to stay put and not be any different from people around him.

Smiling to himself he looked at a picture of a girl.
You look just like her! he thought to himself
He touched the screen and caressed the fair skin of the girl lovingly.
Never did I imagine to see her again... but here you are looking just like her.
He can only explain this with fate.
Yeah, fate is on his side. Fate is giving him a sign!

I am so close yet so far way!
He chuckled darkly to himself. They are so ignorant they would not find him no matter how many hints he was leaving.

But there was something off, someone was getting quite close to him.

Someone was trying to stop him. But it wasn't the one he wanted to be stopped by...

His masterplan was in danger!

He closed the tab with the black haired girl. It wasn't the only picture he got of her.
No, there were many more he took without her knowing. It was not easy because she rarely posts a new profile pic but when she does he was the first one to find out. He had a file on his laptop just with her pictures.
I'm giving them a chance just for you. And I'm giving you the chance to find me.

The file had her name on: Park Kyungmi


Author's note:

Whoop whoop, sh#t is about to get down!!!

So, who do you think this person is?
Whoever this is, it's the first and last time you'll get this kind of point of view, muhahaha (evil laugh)😈

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