☆25☆ : Grave

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"So it's someone seeking revenge for Elise Renard." Jennie breathed with red eyes. The entire story had brought her close to tears. I noticed that Jimin was gulping as well.

"There was a hint right in front of our nose." J-hope slammed the table frustrated. Jin nodded "Someone's really playing with us..."

"Where is that orphanage Edouard Renard died at?" I asked. Edouard Renard even being dead... we had to pursue this line. "A two hours drive from here." Jin answered truthfully.

"Please send me the address." Jimin said taking out his phone and taking pictures of the article Jin had brought.

Since I had no practise this afternoon Jimin, J-hope, and me drove to the orphanage. Jennie and Jungkook wanted to join as well but were occupied by their assignments and training schedule.

"You think this is going to help us?" J-hope asked as he reversed into the parking lot. "I've no idea. This also might be a dead end." I responded honestly. "We still have the location of the hacker. SNA." Jimin whispered mysteriously. "It's someone from Elise Renard's side, it's best we start with her close relatives." J-hope sighed putting on fancy sunglasses. "Is your attire really necessary, hyung?" Jimin asked warily "The kids might confuse you for a rich ajumma who wants to adopt them."

Hearing that J-hope tore his necklace and sun glasses of and put a black bucket hat on his head. I grinned at Jimin. Evil mochi!

Soon the three of us stood in the hallway of the orphanage. It definitely had seen better day. The hallway was painted in a shabby yellow were countless kids fingerprints left their marks. Contrary to my expectations it was rather quiet here. I looked at my watch it was quarter past four. Shouldn't the kids be back by now? The three of us walked up confidently to the senior receptionist who browsed a magazine with a languid expression on her face.

"How may I help you?" she asked eyeing the three of us. When she came to the conclusion that all of us were too young to adopt someone she dropped her fake smile and looked at us rather annoyed.

"We're students from Crane Academy. We're doing a research on our late alumni Elise Renard." J-hope said confidently. Well, hyung had improved his acting skills. We eyed the receptionist when J-hope mentioned her name, however neither me nor Jimin found any change of expression. The woman said flatly "Follow me." before calling another woman to the counter.

"Park, Kyungmi? You called us earlier?" she adressed J-hope. "Uhhh, no that's me!" I smiled at her. "Mhm, actually we are no tourist attraction. I am not allowed to talk about the kid's private information..." she said hesitantly eyeing the bag I was carrying.

Don't tell me she wants bribe???

"Err, I am sorry?" I said irritated. The woman looked at me as if I was an alien. "If you're not really interested in what happened to Edouard Renard, then please excuse me, I have a lot on my plate-"

"Mrs Jennifer, we're here on a school project..." I had taken a look on her shabby name tag on her chest.

"So... it means your school does not value the work of us caretakers, tsk... asking for help but not offering donations really, such a shameless school..." the woman spat.

Excuse me???

Donations? What donations? She obviously wants bribe!!!

"I am sorry for her lack of manners, Jennifer!" J-hope coaxed the "furious" woman.

"Of course, we're willing to give a little donation for your hardwork." J-hope took a fifty dollar bill out of his pocket. I wanted to stop the frivolous act but the senior receptionist snatched the bill out of his hand.

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