Special chapter: ☆22☆

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Author's note:

My lovely ghostreaders,

we've reached 1k reads for this story. Since that's a reason to celebrate I'll update a special chapter from jjk point of view. I hope you like it 💚
Always tell me what you think about the story so far!!!

Love, kiwicranberry 🍉

Jungkook pov.

What nonsense is this girl sputtering? What secret did she find out about? If she would know about any of my secrets she wouldn't smile this bright...

Surely, this girl came to some weird conclusion. Observing her for the last few weeks I knew for sure that this girl had a weird way of thinking...

I grabbed her arm making sure she wasn't running away from my question like last night. "Kyungmi, there is no such secret."

She just smiled reassuringly at me. Her smile stunned me, however I was panicking not knowing what she was thinking about me. I never care about people's attention. But with her... I always wanted to know what she thought about me. F#ck, I have it bad...

"I won't discriminate you. I'll take you as you are. With all your flaws." she declared proudly. The way she tilted her head proudly was cute. Under normal circumstances I would grin but I felt more like vomiting right now. Did she just friendzone me?

"Kyungmi! Tell me, what secret did you find out about?" I urged I was not having her shit right now. Yes, I want to get close to her. But not like that. Somehow I don't feel like being just friends with her. Kyungmi, what are you doing to me?

She checked her surrounding in the corner of her eyes before focusing her attention on me. Solely on me. Just like I liked it. She then took my hand. Was I some lovestruck teenage girl? Why is my heart beating so rapidly? I'm not unfamiliar with women... I shouldn't have this kind of feeling.

"Jungkook-ah! You should tell me when you have a hard time. Whatever there is on your mind. Don't keep it to yourself, there are always people who will help you once you reach out for them. I know you're having this 'tough boy reputation'." she said the last word while putting more pressure on my palm. Just like I had guessed the girl really thought I was somehow... retarded?

Compared to her cold demeanor earlier I hated how she looked at me right now. "I will be the last person who would turn you down when you ask for help." 

When you ask for help... she wasn't saying 'if' she really thought I needed her offer.

This girl... she wasn't pretending. She was sincere with her offer. She really thought I seeked her help. How stupid is this girl?

"For someone that smart you truly are dense!" I said smacking her head with my free hand. I liked the way her small hand felt around mine, so I wasn't planning on letting go very soon. 

"Huh?" now it was her who was dumbfounded. "Feisty, I like how you're concerned about me. But there is no secret about me needing help or anything. The only help I need is..." I winked at her.

It was satisfying to see how her brain in a matter of seconds. "You don't have an inferiority complex?" she asked puzzled. 

I laughed out loud. Oh.... she had thought about that? Out of all things she came to this conclusion?

Damn find me a girl just as innocent as her...

Have I already mentioned that her cuteness is going overboard?

"Yaah! Why are you laughing at me?" she punched me lightly.

"First of all, you don't ask a person with inferiority complex in such a direct manner. Second, I am always seen as a quite extroverted and confident person. Now having the girl I'm" interested in "...working with think that I have an introverted personality... you really are something!" I laughed.

She pouted. Her bottom lip was pushed forward. Aww! What a cute little tigress!

"I was wrong." she mumbled.
"Don't worry. It's nice knowing someone cares for my mental health." I teased her.

"Aiiiishh!" she swore then let go of my hand and stormed inside her dorm. Little did she know that I wás really seeking her attention but not because of an inferiority complex but because of a totally different reason.

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