Chapter 5: Fresh Start

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Josie's eyes widened uncomfortably. I must say she's changed a lot as I expected. She's more confident, she says what she means and means what she says and I fuck with it.

"Uhh, I don't want to be the woman that says leave your man... but I just feel like it doesn't take a man 10 years for him to figure out if he sees a future with you or not. Don't get so wrapped up on fate and losing him, its always someone better out there that's going to treat you right and is going to be on the same page as you" Josie said as everyone clapped

"But I have kids" the lady said

"That doesn't matter, he'll always be in your children's life. He will always be in your life for the sake of the kids but never sabotage your happiness holding on to something that's not meant for you" Josie said

"Thankyou" she smiled. "You're so welcome" she smiled crossing her leg

"I'm so glad you said that because a lot of women feel like it's their duty to serve a man and be his ride or die chick? Or they feel like suffering first is what makes the love real how do you feel about that?

"I think its bullshit honestly. Now that I'm older I'm definitely not trying to fix a grown ass man. We all have our own issues but your ass needs to go to therapy.

Everyone started clapping, laughing and cheering her on.

She laughed "But seriously, women are not rehabilitation centers and were not punching bags or little toys that sit there until you "grow" ladies we have to want better. I'm not saying that I'm not going to be there for my significant other. I sure am but it has to be reciprocated and it has to be worth it. That person has to be worth the trials and tribulations. If you're drained all the time and unhappy then that person isn't for you... and that goes for men and women" she said


"Period" Josie laughed

"You guys heard her now before we leave I heard you're working on a book" the host asked her.

"Yes, just my upbringing and how I got here," she said.

I raised my brow I was happy she was doing big things but shit I wanted to know what exactly was going to be in this book. I put my phone down looking at Kyle. "I ain't even see you big head," I said getting up. "Big head," he said back. I picked him up flipping him upside down. He began laughing "Yeah you head gon be big alright imma let all the blood rush down to your head" I laughed. "No" he laughed squirming his little body. I put him down as we both went into the bathroom. Might as well say this our bathroom. Kyle doesn't use his bathroom he insists on being in my bed, my bathroom, drinking out my cup. I handed him his toothbrush and toothpaste. He snatched the toothpaste from me putting it on his brush. I looked over at him amazed he acts just like me and it's scary.

"Here Ricky," he said putting some toothpaste on my brush. "Thanks, baby bro," I said. The both of us brushed our teeth looking in the mirror. Shani walked in from waking back up. "Good morning," she said. She kissed Kyle on the cheek she then wrapped her arms around my chest. "You put it down baby," she said in my ear. I spit out my toothpaste "Pleasure is all mine baby girl" I said before rinsing my mouth out. Kyle rinsed his mouth out with his paper cup. "Imma make us some breakfast before I go to work," she said.

"You don't have to do that Shani," I said. "I want too, y'all eat out too much and I hate it" she said. We followed her to the kitchen "Pancakes" Kyle jumped up and down. "Nah waffles, waffles are better little bro," I said. "Uh-uh pancakes," he said

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