Chapter 15 - I Show Not Your Face But Your Heart's Desire

Start from the beginning

Padma: an ornamental bird! Bc YOLO!

Aunt Petunia: flowers :P

Uncle Vernon: a drill. Because he likes drills, doesn't he? That's what his company's all about. Drills.

Dudley: a plush pig. To remind him of Hagrid. XD

(Then there was the bottom of the list ... Draco ... )

Draco: (?) let me tell you a secret ...(I have no idea what he likes!!! O.O)

I looked up from my list.

"Alrighty, let's go to Honeydukes first!" I said. We bought loads of sweets, not just for presents, but for ourselves as well.

"So many sweets!" Shannon gushed, her eyes sparkling as she looked down into her bag.

"So many colours ..." Suzanne giggled, her eyes sparkling too.

"So much sugar!" Amy grinned, already stuffing her face.

"So many hyper firsties!" I sniggered, before we all broke into the Shrieking Shack and camped out there, eating sweets.

Then, when we'd out-giggled our hyperness, we resumed shopping.

We had all soon bought what we needed, except for me. I was still one present short ...

Then I saw it. It was in the window of one of the shops. It was a beautiful glass daisy, something which you would put on your windowsill, and when the light of the sun hit it, it would send rainbows all over the place, only this one was more intense, because it was magic, I suppose. It sent rainbows, yes, but it was sending something else, too. Little images were sent everywhere, moving. One showed Dudley giving me a piggybag in a forest park. Another showed me and Harry giggling with our arms around each other in a corner in the common room. One showed Hermione and I hugging in the girl's bathroom. Ron and I sniggering at the Gryffindor table. Fred carrying me to the hospital wing. Me and the team after we won the Quidditch match. Terry and me searching for secret passageways in our first week. Me and the twins enchanting snowballs. Shannon, Amy, Suzanne, and I in the Shreiking Shack, giggling. Draco and me staring into each other's eyes after the troll got knocked out. Fred, George, Terry, Ron, Hermione, Amy, Suzanne, Shannon, Draco, Harry, and me, just together. Laughing.

The sign beneath the daisy read, 'This shows your happiest memories, so that in bad times, or times in which you are away from your friends and loved ones, you'll remember the good times.'

I went in and bought it. Yeah, I wanted it, but I wanted to give it to Draco.

I think he'd like it.

When I sent it off in its box with Snidget to his house, Malfoy Manor, I remembered the note I'd sent with it.


This daisy, I hope, will remind you of me. Because it shows your happiest memories on the walls when you put it in the sunlight. Hope I'm one of your sunny rays!

- Daisy'


Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I had been searching the library ever since Hagrid had let slip Nicholas Flamel's name, because how else were we going to find out what Snape was trying to steal?

But we'd been through loads of books already, and we hadn't found his name mentioned once. Harry and I were wondering if he could be in the Restricted Section. But the thing was - it was restricted, obviously.

We would need a signed note from a teacher to get in, and that wasn't happening.


Harry and I were staying at Hogwarts over Christmas, as well as Ron, Fred, George, Percy, Amy, Shannon, and Suzanne. Terry and Hermione were going home. We were all having much too good of a time to think about Flamel, though. Harry, Ron, the twins and I all sat by the fireplace in the Gryffindor common room toasting marshmallows over it. We were also plotting ways to get Floppy and Pratinson expelled, which was fun to talk about even if they wouldn't work.

Daisy Potter and the Love Triangle at Hogwarts (Book 1, Harry Potter ff)Where stories live. Discover now