Imagine| Types of Angels

Start from the beginning

As soon as you entered the dark alcohol drenched room, you wanted to turn back.
Feeling alone having left Pip in a deep sleep back in your hideout. Everyone saw you - when did anyone not see you: bright blue eyes, half silver half black hair and matching silver six wings. If six wings weren't enough they are with you: earth, fire and water. Those elements were the powers of each pair of wings.
How does that work?
How is that possible?
See, the top two wings though feathers and shocking silver the aura given off is a fiery red and the tendrils of fire absorbed into your skin so you could influence it.
The wings lower water a blue-grey aura that smells of the sea and a cool breeze
Finally the last wings absorbed with the earth element gave of a venom green along the silver ridges of the wings was a vine deeply encrusted like a whip telepathically connected to you.

This made you very well known. Well desired and well feared.

You saw a crowd of those burly men guarding the cage you barely turned before they ambushed you from behind and knocked you out.

Voices microphoned louder echoed around the space. You writhed under the chain behind the door desperate to get out. The barbaric guards hauled you to the door where you could hear better.
"Can the Angel himself defeat a goddess ?" The voice boomed to the thunderous crowd.
A chorus of cheers and boos rattled the door the guards pushed you roughly
"Don't touch me" you hissed glaring at them your wings glowed brighter you smiled wickedly seeing them back up with wide eyes.
A fiery tendril almost transparent lashed out blindly, and a large, brash burnt cut scarred a guards face. He screamed and so did you mumbling apologies and just as the guard pulled out a rather small dagger the door slid open.

You yelled in frustration as they dragged you by the wings tears stung in your eyes.
You tasted ground groaning you opened your eyes sputtering you coughed the dirt from your mouth.
You looked around: you were held in some metal cage much like the fighting rings except a dome like a jail.
This decided it! You no longer would leave the house without Pip.

You weren't alone in the cage.
There a few feet from you towered the Angel. Large white wings, sea green eyes and a rather muscular appearance.

You had heard horror stories about these fights with him. That no one lasted more than five minutes in the ring with him. He was brutal, power hungry. He even defeated the Blob someone that had only ever known to be beaten by Wolverine.

You expected to have been knocked out straightaway having the games started the minute you were dumped into this cage. Shakily you stood carefully plastering an expressionless face hiding how nervous you were.
The Angel stood there his wings at their most open like an eagle preparing to swoop down in the prey. He looked at you with an odd expression.
You paced around him a green whip in your hand tendrils from the lowest wings.
Glancing nervously out of the cage the audience was dead silent, and the guards had their guns pointed at you.

Working out of pure adrenaline you flew high through the sky your six wings splayed behind you; you only ever used two out of the six to fly the other four were more shields for you allowing you to draw their powers.
The Angel -who unlike you who resembled a Seraphim angel was the striking image of an archangel- looked surprised and reaching forward hovered opposite you his wings looked much more massive, and you deduced, therefore, were slower.

With a start, you dove toward him taking him by surprise dodging under his wings coming up behind him. The vine curled from the side into your hand and like a whip you lashed it at him.
He let out a cry as a large green cut surfaced on his chest.
Aggravated he let out a roar swooping towards you. You moved to avoid his punches using the fire element you placed your hand on his face, and he screamed.
Of course, you have realised it worked but all the smoke clouded your sight, and you didn't see it coming when he raised a fist and slammed it on the back of your head.

Warren Worthington iii x reader imagines and preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now