Chapter 12 - Late night conversations!

Start from the beginning

"Thank you!" I replied with a smile as I grabbed my clutch.

"You're welcome! See you later!" He said with a slight smile.

"Yeah, I guess! Bye." I said as I opened the door.

"Bye!" He said as I closed the door and walked towards my house. The lights were off so I assumed everyone must be asleep. Manik waited until I got inside the house and then he left. As I went inside the house, the first thing I did was grab some cold water. I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. I took out the water bottle when the light suddenly turned on. I turned around in fear only to notice him.

"Rishab!" I shouted angrily and then realised I had to be quiet, I couldn't wake the others up.

"What the hell are you doing Rishab?" I said quietly this time with gritted teeth.

"Nothing, just munching on some late night snacks." He said as he took a bite of the cookie that was in his hand.

"Late night? Don't you mean early morning! It's 4am Rishab, yai koi time hotaa hai cookie khaanay kaa?" I scolded him a little.

"Exactly my point di! Is this a time to come home? Kahaan thi aap, huh? I thought you weren't going to stay in the party for that long. Besides I was looking at the Virushka party updates on twitter and the party finished at 1. So where were you?" He said cheekily as he took a seat on the stool nearby.

"None of your business! Mum and dad know, so it's fine!" I said as I poured some water into a glass and took a seat on the stool next to him.

"Of course it's my business! You're my di, I should know where you were!" He exclaimed.

"Paagal ho tum kya? I was at the hospital! There was an emergency!" I said as I took a sip of my water.

"And then where did you go?" He said as he continued to much on his cookies.

"No where!" I said irritatedly.

"I haven't heard of that place, you should tell Manik to take me with him next time to this place called nowhere!" He said with a smirk.

"Rishab not funny!" I said as I grabbed the cookie packet from his hands and helped myself to one.

"Oh sorry I can't call him by his name, I have to show some respect! Manik jiju, does that sound nice?" He said cheekily. This boy was really testing my patience! I mean Jiju, seriously?

"Rishab you're pushing it!" I said with glared eyes.

"Oh come on di, I was joking! But seriously tell me where did you go?" He asked.

"Rishab I told you naa that we didn't go anywhere!" I lied as a I took a bite of the chocolate chip cookie. My favourite!

"Oh di come on! You can't hide it from me!" He said.

"Okay fine! We went to get some food at Juhu beach because we didn't get to eat properly at the party!" I told him.

"What? You ate food from juhu beach! That's street food, right?" He said in shock.

"Haan toh?" I said casually pretending I did not know the reason behind his shocked reaction.

"Di you never eat street food, and you shout at us when we do! Such a hypocrite you are di!" He said as he rolled his eyes at me.

"Rishab there was no other place open around that time so I had to." I explained.

"Di not fair!" He said with a puppy face.

"Sorry?" That is all I could say.

"No!" He exclaimed.

"Sorry bola naa!" I said irritatedly. Kitna bhaav khaa rahaa thaa!

"Not enough, you have to treat me to some nice street food!" He said with a sly smile.

"Aray!" I said in disbelief. What kind of a condition was this?

"No di you can't say no!" He stated.

"Fine!" I said in defeat.

"Thank you, I love you too!" He said as he gave me a big hug.

"I don't!" I muttered.

"Di!" He exclaimed.

"I'm joking!" I said with a giggle.

"By the way di, what are your opinions on Manik?" Rishab asked as he started to munch on another cookie.

"Manik, he's actually a really nice person! I mean at first I thought he's this immature, rich, spoilt guy but he's not. He's such a gentleman, he's caring, polite, and so respectful!" I said dreamily. What had gotten into me?

"Di I've never seen you speak about a guy like this!" Rishab said with a slight smile.

"I know, it's a little weird! What am I thinking? I never behave like this!" I said.

"It's okay to think and behave differently at times! It's completely okay, that's life!" Rishab said as he placed his hand on my shoulder and gave me a warm smile.

"I guess you're right! I guess I'm just overthinking things!" I said as I smiled back.

"Anyways di, I think that's enough heart to heart conversation for the time being, you must be tired so please go and sleep now!" Rishab said.

"I'm exhausted! Chal good night! See you later!" I said as I gave him a hug, collected my clutch, and quietly made my way upstairs to my bedroom. As soon as I got in my room, I got changed into my pyjamas, removed my make up, tied my hair in a braid, and hit the bed. I fell asleep almost immediately. It had been a hectic night to say the least, and the following morning was going to be even more busy so I needed all the sleep I could possibly get. After all, me and Manik had to finally tell our families that we did not want to marry each other. And of course our coffee date had to take place in the morning too. I was not prepared to tell my family about mine and Manik's decision, but it had to be done! I mean I am someone who doesn't believe in marriage, whereas Manik, he loves the idea of marriage so much. We are two different souls and us being together would just create problems and nothing else. I mean we have such opposite mentalities, we have opposite personalities, and even our professions are poles apart, me and him would be a complicated mess! And I do not want to be a part of any mess.

"People are complicated; you put two of them together and it's generally a mess, but hopefully a beautiful mess."

~Johnny Galecki

A/N: Chapter 12 updated! First update of 2019 for this book! Wow! So I want to wish all my beautiful readers a very happy new year. May it be a joyful and positive year for you all! ❤️ Coming to the update, I really hope you enjoyed this chapter. Do let me know your favourite part! And I'm really sorry for the late update but I've been super busy lately with exams, assignments, and a few other things. Thank you for showing patience and constantly supporting me. 😊 Lots of love xxx

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