Jisung "Boyfriend"

71 3 0

Ship JisungxReader

Gender not specified

Genre fluff? cute? he protects you from two stupid boys

Word count +1k


It was a calm friday evening. After you ate lunch, you decided to go to the mall because you were supposed to buy something for a friend of yours. You easily dressed up with a pair of light ripped jeans, a white tee with a simple and nonsense quote, and black Converse.

The major part of people were teenagers just as you, so the environment was quite cheerful. You were peacefully looking around all the possible shops to see if something caught your attention, but you didn't know where to start so you eventually gave up.

While scrolling down on your phone to see if a sudden idea reached out, you sat down on a wooden bench near a café, lost in your thoughts. Suddenly two people sat beside you.

-Hey. -You didnt pay them much attention until you realised they were heading to you.

-Hello? - they said, again. Of course you already know what your parents and everyone else says, <don't talk to strangers>, but what were you going to do otherwise?

-Um, hi? -you answered, unsure about their intention. They were a bit older than you, maybe a more than a couple years. Just in case, you kept distances and saved the mobile phone on your pocket, ready to walk away or run if needed.

-Baby we were wondering if you would like to spend a good time with us? -they looked at you with lusty eyes from below the black caps both were wearing. They seemed a bit intimidating and you now were sure about what they wanted. So you stand up.

-First, dont call me baby. Second, no thank you, Im fine. -you said, trying to stay calm and nice to avoid trouble. You turned and did your way, thinking they would understand and leave you alone. But, as expected, that doesn't happen. You feel a hand grabbing your wrist.

-Dont worry, we don't bite. -said the boy that wasnt stopping you. They laughed at your try to escape from them. You breathed in and out, controlling the sudden burst of emotions. Finally you turned to face them.

-But I do. Let me go! -you cutted them, being piercing. You were sure you let the things clear and understandable, also your gaze wasnt precisely inviting them to stay. But as they were taller than you, you felt threatened.

-Woah hahaha, no need to be like this, darling. -you struggled to leak from the first boy grip and when you were about to ask for help, you saw another guy approaching the three of you from behind them.

He was wearing black worn jeans, a plain grey t-shirt with a small pocket on its chest and black Vans. Underneath his black beanie, some strands of navy blue hair were visible, fading from its original colour. He had earring on both of his ears, one double pierced.

-Hello babe. -he said to you, walking past the boys, forcing to release his grip and interposing himself in between. What the frickle frack is going on today?

You had your hands in a tight fist and just when you were going to scream from frustration, the new guy leaned in and whispered in your ear:

-You want them to leave you alone, right? Play along with me and I promise I'll go too. -he also winked with complicity at me. As he looked sincere and his smile was quite attractive, you have to admit it, you convinced yourself he was trying to help. -Who are these guys? -he stepped aside and stood besides you.

-Is he your boyfriend? -they asked you, furrowing their eyebrows. To make it more convincible, you rushed to held the hand of the newcomer. He looked at you sideways, hiding the surprise in his eyes.

-Yes he is. Is that a problem? -you now felt encouraged by the help of this cute squirrel like boy so no need to carefully choose your words. They flicked their tongues at the same time, showing disappointment.

-Bro let's just go. -one of them reached out the arm of his friend, urging him to leave. He looked at you one last time, analysing the act you made up, and they left reluctantly. You waited some more time until you lost sight the pair of annoying guys.

You sighed in relief.

-We can let go now. -the cutie said. He was showing you a smirk and then you looked down, realising you still were holding hands. A subtle blush covered your cheeks and nose. You quickly apologized as you let go of his hand.

-Oh yes, I'm so sorry! -you done it without thinking twice and didnt thought that he might feel uncomfortable. Also it was quite embarrassing. He laughed and shrugged it off. He checked his phone to look at the time.

-Oops I need to go now, I'm running late! -he waved at you with a grin on his face and turned around as he started walking away, heading to the café. You followed him because you felt you owed him something.

There were many people watching before but nobody came to help when you got harassed by the guys, so you thought it was very kind coming from him. You held the hem of his t-shirt to stop him.

-Is there something I can do to pay you back?

-Dont worry, its no big deal. -he reassured you. You stared at each others eyes for a little longer than it should have been. His eyes were glittery and so pretty you shook your head to break the eye contact.

You saw there was a black pen in his pocket. Without being conscious of your actions, you took it and opened it. You also open your free hand asking for his, instead of directly grabbing it this time. He tilted his head in confusion, adorable, but handed it to you anyways.

You write your number on the back, hoping you two get to talk again. When you looked up, you found he was watching your movements with curiosity. Reality hit you: you didn't even know who he really was and this could go horribly wrong

But he had his eyes wide-opened in surprise and his chubby cheeks were slightly red now, scratching the back of his neck. This distracted you from the previous thought. You closed the pen and put it on its place again.

-My name is Y/N. Text me so one day so I can properly thank you. -you smiled and left before you could regret what you just said, suddenly feeling embarrassed.

-A-and my name is Jisung! -he said back. You could feel your face hurt from smiling so widely at his shy stutter.


A/N Um, hi!! I just wanted to let you know it's my first time writting fanfiction, except from this one Minchan -long- Oneshot I have, so I'm sorry if it's kinda awkward or not the best. Also I'd like to mention English is not my first languaje, so I apologize for any mistakes now and in the future!


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