What. The. Fuck.

I shoved a shaky hand through my hair as his words sank in. That woman had ruined us as a whole and individually as well. Throughout the years, I couldn't help but despise her role in my parents' calamitous relationship. Even past that, I tried to respect her individually but she spited my every move the moment I stepped foot into their lives. She hated me for simply existing.

"Dad, please tell me this is a joke," I whispered in desperation.

My fathers' brown eyes pleaded for my understanding. Something I was not willing to give.

Finally, he sighed. "Darling, she's been on and off of drugs for years. Now, I know that's not an excuse for what she did, but we have to think from another perspective."

Another perspective? My eyes were already wide in size at this information, but somehow, they only grew larger. "What about Ryland? Did you even stop for a minute to think that this would affect him?"

My dad nodded slowly, reaching over to cup my hands. I stared down at the hold with malice. "Ryland is the eldest, and he understands my decision, as hard as it was to make. You are the only one in this family that doesn't agree."

My face grew red in anger as I yanked my hands from his. I didn't want that woman—that homewrecker—here.

"How do you expect me to be okay with this?" I asked in disbelief. "She's the reason you and my—"

Dad shook his head, glowering at me with discontent. "Do not bring your mother into this situation. Diane is an evil woman, and she drove me away on her own."

Anger wrapped me in its embrace the longer he tried to convince me. With a scowl, I raised myself from the chair.

"She'll only steal your—our— belongings from underneath our noses and then pick up and leave again! And, you know it!" I argued, pointing a finger at him. "As childish as I may sound, you know I have a point."

I struggled to intake oxygen as my dad stood from his chair to match my stance. He removed his glasses, placing his hands against the kitchen table as I saw the anger flash across his face. I felt myself shrink back into the chair at his raging gaze.

"I understand that. But, you will not change my decision. She needs a home, and I am willing to give that to her with or without your liking," my dad's voice raised the longer he spoke. "For gods sake, Kimberly."

At my wary expression, I saw him back down. He never yelled at me, so him doing it now, over a woman who had hurt his daughter felt like a punch to the gut.

My dad huffed, massaging at his temples. His lips fell into a tight line. "Kimberly, she's struggling—"

"Don't you think we are, too?" I spat, my teeth clenched. That wasn't even the slightest of an excuse for everything she had done. "Don't let her back in, dad. Don't."

He shut his eyes, drawing out a deep sigh. I watched as his fingers grew white while he gripped onto the tabletop. He wasn't listening.

I stood again, staring daggers into his skull. "Please, tell me what do you think will stop her from fucking up our home all over again? Because right now, I don't see any goddamn reason—" I jumped as my fathers' head jerked up.

He slammed his hand down, causing the surface of our table to shake. "You live under my custody, Kimberly! Don't you dare curse at your father when I have done nothing, but provide for you and your brother!" He pointed a finger in my face, his face red with firefly hot rage. "We won't be having this conversation again, because I am the damned adult of this house. Not you and not Ryland. Me! She will be living with us, and that is final! I don't want to hear another word about it, are we understood?"

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