Chapter 3

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Sage’s POV

I woke up the next morning and winced as the memories of last night came rushing into my head. I barley wanted to move let alone get my lazy ass out of bed, but I have school today and I know better than to try and skip.

I dragged myself out of my bed and walked into my huge bathroom. I swear my mother is trying to bribe me. As I turned on the water and let the hot steam surround me before I let my head fall and started to think about what happened in the last five years.


I was running around my living room trying to find a good hiding spot. My brother was coming after me trying to find me. My brother always loved to play games and our favorite was hide and go seek. I seen the opening in the bottom of the sink and laughed. ‘He will never find me here.’ I thought to myself.

I left it open just a crack so I could see Josh coming. I could here his footsteps and the slamming of cupboards as he searched for me.  When out of nowhere he had grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder.

“Let me down Joshy!” I was slamming my cute little fists into his strong back. Come on hes nice years old and already muscular.

“Not in your wildest 3 year old dreams!” he yelled over his shoulder as he ran outside.

It’s the middle of fall and all the leaves are falling around us or so it seems as he flips me in the air before setting m down. He looked at me.”

“Ill be right back.” He ran towards the house while I opened my arms and twirled in circles. The leaves were cascading down from the tree above. I heard a gasp and looked over to see Josh standing by the front door.

He had this weird look in his eyes when he ran over to me. He threw the blanket down before gathering me in his arms. He then proceeded to spin us both in circles till we were both to dizzy and he fell over.  

“I love you Sageybaby.” He gave me a huge kiss on the side of my head. I giggled.

“I wuvs you more Joshy woshy bears.”

End of Flash Back.

I banged my head against the shower as the memory faded. Tears came to my eyes and I blinked trying to hold them in. There was a banging coming from the door.

“What!” I yelled.

“You need to get out of the shower you’re going to be late for school.” I cringed when I heard his voice.

I climbed out of the shower and grabbed my towel before pushing the door open only to see Josh sitting outside of it. He was listening to his IPod. Using my super werewolf hearing I could tell it was Play Me That Song by Brantley Gilbert.

“What are you doing?” Josh immediately looked up at me before jumping to his feet. He tried to grab my hand but I pulled it away.

“I just want to talk. You know about last night and the fight?” I just laughed.

“if you think that talking will help to fix this then you must be crazy. I’m hurt and I won’t ever forget what you have done to me.” By the time I had finish my little rant my voice was colder then Antarctica.

I turned and walked towards my room to get dressed. When I walked into the kitchen my brothers jaw dropped. He was sitting there with Tyra who glared at me. Tanner walked in right after I did and threw his arm over my shoulder. I turned towards him and pulled him into a huge hug. 

“I missed you to honey.” He kissed the side of my head and I could hear the little growls coming from Josh. “You okay over there man?” Tanner asked josh.

“Yeah just something caught in my throat.”

“How far is the school from here? I kind of need to know where I’m walking.” I all but barked out at him.

“It’s about 5 miles that way.” He pointed over his shoulder before turning towards the fridge. Tanner laughed at this before walking towards the table.

“I can take you. I have to go to work anyways. We’re leaving in 5 so get what you need. Oh and you look wonderful.” I turned and walked out of the kitchen.

First day of school here I go.





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