Murder On The Dance Floor (Nate x Natemare- Fluff Part 2)

Start from the beginning

"So who was?" Officer Preston asked.

I gave a dry laugh. "You'd never believe me."

"Try us." He said.

I shook my head and took a deep breath before sitting forward. "I have this entity inside me, sort of like a split personality situation and when he takes over, I black out. I don't remember a thing. He can do anything and I wouldn't know. His name is Natemare."

"You're right, I don't believe you."

"It's true, I swear! He must have murdered Andy. I had no reason to do such a thing and that motive you're trying to pin on me is completely out of context." I said, sighing in frustration.

"Can you prove that?" Officer Preston asked.

I looked away from them, saying nothing at first. "Only if I can persuade him to come out."

"Then do it."

I shook my head once more and looked at them. "You have a death wish too. He's crazy. You don't know what you're getting into if I do. You'll regret it."

"Just do it Mr. Smith!" Officer Johnson spat.

"Fine!" I spat back and closed my eyes, beginning to talk to Natemare in my mind.

Mare... I need you to show them it was you. They don't believe me and I'm sure as fuck not taking the punishment for your fuck up.

Why should I? They'll arrest me.

They can't. You're part of me. If anything I'll get sent to jail. But they wouldn't have a leg to stand on. They barely believe me that you're real. Do you really think a judge will believe their case?

Fair point. Alright. I guess I have no choice. I'll show them.

And with that my eyes opened, blue tear marks appearing on my cheeks.




I looked at both of the officers and I could see the pure confusion on their faces. I knew they wouldn't have an answer for how the tears appeared. How could they prove I wasn't just Nate with facepaint on?

"Well, well, well, would ya look at that... A pair of pigs for me to slaughter." I giggled, my voice low and menacing.

"How the hell did you-?" Officer Preston stuttered, pointing at my cheeks.

"Let me answer you with 'I didn't'. This isn't paint." I said and rubbed my cheeks hard. "It's part of me. Nathan and I? We're both separate people. We're just stuck in the same body... Unfortunately."

Hey! I can hear you y'know!

"Let me also show you a neat trick I know." I said with a wide smirk.

In the blink of an eye I was behind them both, a knife pressed against both of their necks, the pair of them tied to the chairs they sat in.

"Scream for help and you're dead. Just like poor Andy."

"How did you-?" Officer Johnson blinked. "You did do it... But... But..."

"Don't try and explain it. Just let Nathan go and we can forget any of this ever happened."

"We can't do that. We need a murderer to be convicted for this."

I chuckled. "For what?"

Officer Preston looked at me. "For the murder of Andrew Stein!"

"Andy's not dead." I said.

"Yes he is! We saw the body. We have the evidence." He said.

I simply looked at him and snapped my fingers. "Not anymore you don't. I think that if you look at the file on the table, it's empty. If you contact Andy, he'll answer the phone. Nobody saw a murder last night and no one reported Nate."

"That's bullshit!"

"Language, officer..." I chuckled. "Go ahead, call Andrew's number. He'll answer you."

Officer Preston looked at Officer Johnson before pulling out his phone and putting in the contact number from his notes.

Sure enough the phone was picked up and Andy's voice spoke on the other end. "Hello? Hello...? Andy speaking..."

Officer Preston went white and pulled the phone away from his ear slowly, before swallowing and cutting the call. "I just spoke to a ghost..."

"No, you spoke to a live person." I said. "Now... Is Nathan free?"

The officer nodded, though he wasn't sure what was real anymore.

I smirked and let Nate take back over.




Thank you... Honestly...

Don't mention it. Just get out of here and fast. I hate this fucking place.

Somehow I have to agree with you there.

When I opened my eyes the two officers were staring at me, now sat across from them in the chair once more. "I told you he was real." I said with a smirk and crossed my arms, waiting for them to do something.

They just stared and nodded. "Um... I guess you're f-free to go Mr. Smith..." Officer Johnson stuttered out, looking at the table where the picture of Andy once sat.

I nodded and stood, walking out of the room and the station after all the paperwork was done.

Suffice to say they had some explaining to do, and some stories to make up about this.

I, on the other hand, was beyond relieved and immediately phoned Andy, just happy to hear his voice again.

I also made a point to warn Mare to never touch my friends again.

I swear, next time I'll find some way to murder you!

A/N: What did you think of that? I hope you liked it. Leave me some feedback.

Also, leave me some requests down below.

Thanks guys.

~Yazooloo ;) <3

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