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I have been toying and incubating this idea for a while now. It is a romantic story with reincarnation and paranormal elements. And while it has nothing to do with our fav show YUDKBH, I would still name the leads as Sameer and Naina and other characters as in the show. They would be introduced as and when needed.
Here is a short preview of the idea. Let me know if you like it and depending on the response, I may or may not continue. It's my New Year gift to my ardent fans. Idea credit also shared by my besties here Doraashi and sharvyo. The title is given by Doraashi. Thank you dearie, it's an awesome one!

The lightening thundered indicating the arrival of an impending doom in the dead of the night. Something was not right. The window panes crackled continuously disturbing the peaceful sleeping form of a woman. She awoke with a startle and gazed out the window opposite to her bed that she remembered locking tight before going to bed. It was her customary ritual that she had formed over the past year to lock every door and window and double check every night. Thus, surprised, she slowly got out of the comforting covers and wrapped a dark blanket around her to check the not so normal cacophony outside.

The beautiful mansion was located high up in the mountains nestled between the thick woods and wasn't easily visible to the normal eye. Only the one living there knew about it. There were plenty of things she wasn't aware but her eyes detected some dark dangerous lurking forms in the grey sky. She was shocked and realized that the time had come. Her deepest fear had come true and he wasn't coming back. He had warned her that she would know it in her gut when the time came. She hurriedly gathered her meager belongings, the magical booklet and a letter that he had left for her and a letter that she had written for her child in anticipation of this day. She had prayed to all the gods that this day never came, but it did and now it was her turn to keep her promise. She picked the sleeping infant and wrapped him and herself in black robes to blend in with the night and started descending down the stairs to reach the cellar. The secret underground tunnel was the only safe passage that could not be detected by any evil forces waiting to strike and snatch away her child. She carried the sleeping form nestled tightly in her arms and head on her shoulder and walked hurriedly for an unknown number of miles without pausing to take a breath or rest for umpteen hours. Finally, she could see the end of the passage and breathed a sigh of relief as she and the infant had now reached safe territory.

She wrapped the blanket over her head and looked shabbily dressed from passing through the dusty tunnel, and her rags did not attract any attention as she seemed similar to any other pauper cruising the streets of the city to beg for alms.

She stealthily made way quite inconspicuously to the only house she knew in the city. The sun was about to set and the dusky sky making it easy for her to go undetected. She reached the verandah of the only other place in the world she knew as home, but there was no way, she could make her presence felt. The light bulb had just lighted, which indicated that the owner of the house would soon open the door to breathe in the evening air and enjoy a freshly brewed cup of tea on the swing.

She kissed her sleeping infant on the forehead, wrapped thoroughly in the dark robes and placed on the verandah along with the booklet locked with a clasp and the letter in an envelope. The door was about to open and she left hurriedly giving one last longing look with misty eyes. She knew that destiny would play its role when the time was right.

25 years later:

A young man deep in sleep, sat bolt upright from deep slumber, completely bathed in sweat and panting heavily. This was one of the nightmares he wished he didn't visualize but he never had a choice in the matter. He closed his eyes and focused on the other dream that calmed him after these haunting nightmares. A beautiful but blurred face, and the light laughter, the mild lavender fragrance exuding from her body. His palpating heartbeats calmed down as he breathed in deeply to take in the non-existent but so familiar scent and his face was adorned with a beautiful relaxed smile.

The old man, who had hurried to his room hearing his early-morning piercing scream, stood at the threshold at the mesmerizing sight. He knew time had come and soon destiny would play its part. He just wished that the young man found the love he was reborn for.

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