Chapter 78: Signing Shopping and Sighing

Start from the beginning

"Right." I quickly flip to the last page and sign it.

"Enough with work Ava! Now let's go! Perrie is meeting us later this afternoon." Poppy orders.

"Great!" I'm excited to see her again. It's been awhile and I want to talk to her some more about their wedding song.

I get up and grab my bag and sunglasses as Harry follows us to the door.

"I'll see you later yeah?" Harry asks after giving me a quick kiss. I nod, grabbing ahold of his shirt to pull him towards me for another.

"Stop your snogging!" Poppy whines, yanking me away from Harry. "Ava is all mine today. Besides.. We are all going to dinner tonight. Caffe Burlot. According to Niall it is the place to eat at in Paris."

"He would know. Have fun you two." Harry smiles as Poppy pulls me out the door and into the hallway.

"Bye!" I call, looking over my shoulder at a very cute Harry winking at me. I fight the urge to cancel on Poppy and go back, but he has interviews all day anyway, so we wouldn't get to spend time together even if I stayed.

"So where are we headed?" I ask as we step out of the lift and into the hotel loby.

"Louvre-Tuileries and Faubourg Saint-Honore." Poppys rambles off like she's been there a million times.

"Well aren't you fancy."

"No, but Perrie is. She said it is the creme de la creme for designer fasion."

"She should know, her fashion sense is amazing. You said she's meeting us later?"

"Yeah for a late lunch." Poppy answers as we walk out of the hotel and onto the street.

"Oh mon dieu, c'est Ava!" We hear a few girls yell as we walk towards the curb.

Poppy looks quite shocked as they run up to us.

"s'il vous plait, pouvons-nous obtenir une image!?" They ask.

I think they asked for a picture, but I'm not quite sure. My french is not the best.

"English?" I ask, hoping they understand me.

"Ah yes!" One of the girls smiles at me. "Picture?"

"Oui." I smile at them and pose with each of them for a quick picture.

"Merci Ava!" They thank me as Poppy hails a cab.

I nod at them and say goodbye, sliding into the back seat of the cab after Poppy.

"Wow, didn't know you were such a celebrity!" Poppy laughs.

"I'm so not a celebrity! They just want a picture with me cause of Harry."

Poppy lets the cab driver know our destination before turning back to me, "Please put me out of my misery and tell me the lad is as good in the sack as I think he is."

"Poppy!" I widen my eyes at her, motioning towards the cab driver who can hear us.

"Oh please!" Poppy waves me off. "We're in the city of love. He's used to this kind of talk. I must know so tell me. I mean Niall is a proper good bonk, like ace, but I know Harry has got to be a bit more experience then him."

"Please, I don't want to think about how much experience he has." I narrow my eyes at her.

"Fine then, but tell me. Good with his hands, tongue?" She asks, her eyes begging for information.

"Amazing." I answer, feeling my cheeks heat up from embarrassment. I can't believe I'm talking about this.

"I knew it!"

Almost Lover (Harry Styles) - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now