It Was Just a Dare (Tyan*)

Start from the beginning

"Because, Tiiiina, I have a dare for you!"

"At 2:38 A.M?"

"That's correct."

"Fiiiine. What is it?" Sleepy Tina grumbled.

"I dare you to be flirty with Ryan tomorrow, but not obsessive."


"Because, I don't want you killing Goldy tomorrow. I have a plan."

"Why are you calling from her phone?"

"Because, she left it the Daycare and I can't find mine. Look, I need you to do this. You can be extra flirty with Ryan and such, just no... Yandereness."

"Unicorn, if I do will you let me go back to bed?"

"Sure thing!"

"Fine! I'll see you tomorrow."

"Cool. See you!"



"That went well." Goldy told him, holding in a giggle.

"I agree."

"Well. We should also go to bed if we want to have ANY energy for tomorrow."

"Night, Goldy."

"Night Bud!" The two fell fast asleep, waiting for the next day to come. It was almost like waiting for Christmas, but better.


"Welcome to another day at Daycare!" Ryan exclaimed, coming into the daycare at 8:00 on the dot. He was nervous. Tina was very unpredictable. Sometimes she would be super flirty, and sometimes she would only be slightly flirty. He was hoping today would be a "slightly flirty" kind of day.

"Hiiiii everybody!" Ryan yelled, running up the stairs.

"Cutie!" Tina exclaimed, jumping up on the table at the same time he did, and giving him a hug. Ryan smiled for some reason he didn't quite understand, and hugged her back. At least at the end of all this he could just say anything he did was part of Goldy's dare.

"Welcome to another day at Daycare!" Goldy called.

Oh no, I hope she doesn't come up here. Ryan thought.

"Unicorn! Have you seen my phone?" Goldy yelled from the lobby.

"Yeah! It's in my base! Come on down!" Unicorn yelled from down in the basement.

"Coming!" Goldy shouted back.

"What are they doing?" Ryan asked aloud.

"I'm sure it is nothing to worry about." Tina reassured him. Ryan just nodded in response.

"Hey, Cutie, how about we go up to my room, OK?" Tina asked, wanting to get away from everyone else. She was feeling slightly tired from waking up so early. She hadn't been able to get back to sleep for awhile, and when she finally had gotten back to sleep, she had only gotten a few more hours before it was time to go to Daycare.

"OK, Tina." The two walked up the stairs together and headed over to Tina's room. Tina sub cautiously reached out to grab Ryan's hand, and to her surprise, she felt fingers intertwine with hers. She looked down and realized what was happening. She looked back to what was going on in front of her and suppressed a squeal, though her face began to turn the same color as an apple.

Meanwhile, in Unicorn's basement, Goldy and Unicorn were watching with amusement everything that was going on between the two on Unicorn's extra extra extra extra extra large screen television, thanks to some strategically placed hidden cameras. They watched as Tina led Ryan to her room, both of their faces were rather red, which really didn't go with Tina's orange tiger onesie.

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