Even her laugh is annoying. Taehyung wanted to throw something, he was getting frustrated. He wanted her to leave him alone. Moments passed and he did something he had never even thought of doing to anyone.

He pushed her.


His eyes widened his eyes as he noticed her fall. She let out a scream and it caused everyone to turn their heads, they wanted to see what was going on. Everyone was staring at them now and Taehyung was getting even more embarrassed.

"Taehyung what's wrong with you?" He heard her say, his eyes widened but before he could reply, he just started walking away. He wanted to get away from the situation because he didn't want his embarrassment to eat him alive.

He started walking towards the kitchen because that's where he remembers seeing jimin last. Just as he was about to walk out of the area, someone grabbed his upper arm, he had a tight grip.

"Hey, Kim! Why don't you go help your girl out huh?" The man whore himself spoke up. He had a sly smirk playing on his lips.

"I'm sorry, I didn't ask for some bitch to bud into my personal business did I?" Taehyung got defensive as he tried shoving his arm out of Jungkooks grip, but it didn't work.

"Kim, help your girl out before I do," He tightened his grip.

"Go ahead, asshat, see if I care" Taehyung was done, absolutely done. Rage filled his body as he whipped his arm out of Jungkook's grip. He rushed straight into the kitchen to where Jimin was.

Taehyung was beyond annoyed. He was beyond his breaking point. He never wanted to come to this dumb party anyways, so why did he show up? to be humiliated? and even worse that dickhead had to come in make the situation worse by embarrassing him.

"Jimin I'm done with your stupid new year's parties, got it? Don't even think about inviting me next year because guess what? I'm not coming!" Taehyung was angry, you could hear the passive-aggressive tone that he was using. Jimin turned around instantly as he heard the boys voice.

"Hey, Taeee! What's wrong, what happened?" Jimin was joking around and laughing because he thought that Taehyung was just acting up again.

"Your dumb bitch of a friend by the name of Jungkook decided it would be fun to humiliate me," Taehyung wanted to punch something.

"Wait, what? What the fuck happened?" Jimin jumped into soberness and was actually listening now.

"My girlfriend, she happened. She drank too much and she was in my space and I told her to get off and she wouldn't so I may or may not have pushed her and then everyone started staring at me!" Taehyung was breaking, he didn't know what to do.

"You pushed your girlfriend??" Jimin was now concerned, but Taehyung didn't seem to listen to what he was saying.

"That's why it got so quiet all of a sudden," Jimin thought.

"And then, I went to walk away and that," He took a breath, "That stupid asshole grabbed me and decided it would be funny to bud into my business." He finished as he let out a shaky breath. Anger once filled him again and his eyes turned dark. Jimin looked a little concerned but he tried to calm the other down before something happened.

"Hey Taehyung calm down ok? I'm sure your girlfriend is fine and just ignore what Jungkook said ok? It's not like it matters anyway right?" Jimin tried to calm his friend down because he was sure that if he didn't some fight would definitely go down.

"Jimin they all saw him completely humiliate me! He literally threatened to take my girlfriend from me!" Taehyung raised his voice. He was done with this party, he just wanted nothing more than to leave.

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