New coach

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(Jodie's pov)

When Charlie and I got to the ice rink, the boys were playing and Connie was waiting for me, so I skated up to her.

"Hey, Connie!"

"Hey, Jodie!"

"How are you and Guy doing?" I asked her as I know they have had a crush on each other forever. She blushed at the thought of Guy, she looked over at him and sighed.

"I don't think he ever notices me, all he seems interested in is hockey!" She exclaimed, using her hands for detail. If she looked over at him now she would notice that he was staring right at her.

"Well if you would look at him right now you would notice him staring at you," I told her. She looked over her shoulder and Guy whipped his head back so fast, from being caught, I was surprised he didn't get whiplash.

She turned her head back and blushed.

"Maybe I will talk to him later." She told me.

"Maybe you should," I said back to her.

"Are you ready to take me on?" I asked sarcastically.

"It's on old joe!" she said using my old nickname as we skated onto the ice.

We practiced for a couple minutes, resulting in a pile-up in center consisting of everybody but me and Connie.

Connie tried helping Guy up, both of them blushing when their hands touched, but me, being the evil person I am, pushed Connie on top of Guy, their faces inches apart. All of the boys started wolf whistling, while I just smirked.

Connie pushed herself off of Guy and helped Guy up. Guy pulled her into a hug and whispered something into her ear, causing her to blush.

I gave her a 'your telling me later' as she laughed lightly.

After laughing about what just happened, we all became silent as an expensive car pulled up ONTO the ice.

A man came out dressed up in a suit like outfit. I zoned out on Jesse and the random guy's conversation until the man started pulling something out of his jacket. We all started skating backward, Charlie blocking me. everybody else looked scared while I just smiled.

"Why are you smiling, he could kill us?" Charlie asked me nervously.

"Look Guy is protecting Connie!" I replied to him.

"This is not the time for romance Jodie!" He whisper-yelled at me

"If he were pulling out a gun his hands would be bent differently, he is most likely pulling out a piece of paper of some sort," I told the whole team.

"Your smart I like that." the random guy said as he pulled out a folded piece of paper. "District 5 hockey team, I am Gordon Bombay, your new coach.

"Yeah right," Peter said.

"I have the team's roster right here." He said pulling out the second piece of paper. "Goldberg, Greg. Conway, Charlie. Conway, Jodie..."

"So what do we do now 'coach'?" I asked 'coach' Bombay.

"Well, what did your old coach tell you to do?" He asked us. I laughed as Peter told Bombay about our old coach's heart attack.

"Well let's see you play... you, you, you, you against the rest of you," he said pointing to some of us.

"We have names you know," Goldberg stated.

"I am sure you do, and maybe I might even learn them." Bombay joked. "I will be at my office," he said getting into the car.

"What a jerk!" I exclaimed to the boys, they all agreed. "Let's jump on the car to get a ride," I tell the boys (and Connie).

We all jump on the car making faces in the windows. We get inside the car and Connie and I start chanting,

"We want a ride, hey!"

"We want a ride, hey!"

"Give them a ride, anything to shut them up," Bombay says to shut us up.

"Yay!" We all scream.

We drive around in circles on the ice until I spot my mom on the ice.

"Oh no, it's my mom!" I state.

"And she looks pissed!" Charlie finishes. We all climb out of the car after my mom and coach Bombay have a heated conversation, I hear,

"C'mon Charlie, Jodie, we're going home."

"Sorry, my mom ruined all the fun guys." Charlie and I apologized. We left with our mom to go home.

Charlie and I got home and when we got into bed we were out.

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