Chapter 20 - Red Ribbons

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"It's getting pretty late" Misora said looking up at the reddened sky.
"We should do what Hana originally asked us" I said looking at the sleeping form on his lap.
Misora nodded while patting Hana's back, "Hana, come on It's getting late, we should go" She softly said.
"Uoh?" Hana said as she rubbed her eyes.
"We're going to get rid of that monster now" Misora softly said to her, "Then you can go back home"
"Okay, but are you sure you can get rid of them? They're really strong" Hana asked us.
"We're strong too, believe in your mama and papa" i said patting her head.
"Okay!" She cheerfully said grabbing our hands and dragging us below the rollercosters and into a closed off building that lead underground.
"We should get out of our gigais" I said taking the soul pills.
"Right" Misora replied doing the same.
"Mama? Papa? How'd you change so fast?'' Hana asked as we came in our spirit form.
"This is how we'll fight the monsters" Misora answered placing her hand on the hilt of her katana.
"GROWAHHHHHH" A vicious voice called as we got deeper in the building.
"Wah!" Hana squealed bidding behind me. I quickly hugged her and picked her up.
"Its alright, Mama and Papa are here to protect you"
"O-okay..." Hana said rubbing her eye.
"Taicho..." Misora said as she pulled out her katana.
I placed Hana down and took Hyourinmaru out of his sheath. Its cries grew louder and louder as we drew near the creature, then Misora whispered.
"It's a menos, surrounded by screamers"
"How could we have not sensed this earlier?"
"They seem to be able to hide their reitsu a little bit"
"GRAHHHHHH" A screamed screeched as it flew over us.
"Wahhhh!" Hana cried clinging to me.
"Its okay I'll protect you" I said as a sliced an incoming hollow.
"Rise from the blizzard, Kori no Tsubasa!" Misora cried as her katana changed into a blue fan.
"Reign over the frozen heavens, Hyourinmaru!" I shouted as an ice dragon clashed into a hollow.
"Wahh!" Hana cried as a hollow nearly got her.

"Hana!" Misora cried as she sliced a hollow clean in half, "Are you okay?"

"Mama!" Hana said pointing at twoards the middle of the room, a abormally large menos stood there starring at it's fallen friends and then look towards Hana as it open it's mouth wide and a red light ball started forming.

"Misora! Get her away from here!" I shouted.

Misora nodded and lifted Hana up and took off to leave, barely missing the cero attack. I prepared myself to give off a powerful blow.

"Taicho" Misora said as she appeared next to me getting ready as well.

"I thought I told you to get away from here"

"It's my job to clean the hollows and protect the captain" She said as her fan began to glow.

"Alright" I said.

We both started glowing blue, preparing for a combo attack. 

"Kori! Dance of the Frost!" Misora shouted raising her fan as the ice spikes surrounded the hollow, incasing it in ice.

I then slashed my sword in the air, with Hyourinmaru forming in the air and launching towards the menos, ultimately killing it. The menos slowly faded away into thin air, leaving behind a small crimson orb which glowed in the darkness as falling specks of ice fell. Me and Misora sighed in releif as the job was done.

"Ah!" Hana said running to catch the orb, as it fell in her hands it started to glow. A gust of wind and red light devolped her as she was brought up to the air.

"Hana!" Me and Misora cried as the walls around us suddenly fadded away. They were now at the entrance to the park as the red gates glowed in the sunset. We both looked up to the sky and heard a familiar sound of laughter and saw a beatiful young teenaged girl floating in the sky as pure red silk ribbons danced around her, she flew over down to to us with a shining look in her violet eyes.

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