Chapter 13 Picnic

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"She told me to meet here just 'where is she?" Hitsugaya asked holding a white envelope in his hand.

"Hitsugaya-taicho!" I called running over to him.

"You're late" He replied turning to me.

"Sorry, I was preparing this" I said showing him a large picnic basket.

"Alright then" He said sitting down, "what do you have this time"

"Hanami, onigiri, watermelon, mochi, and tea"

"Great, but why did you pack so much? We can't eat all of this even with the both of us" Hitsugaya said looking into the basket.

"That's because Kori and Kasai are eating with us too"

"Kori and Kasai?"

"My Zanpakuto" I said taking my katana out, "Kori, Kasai you can come out now"

A cold wind flew past, followed by a hot wind and started to swirl, then two figures stepped forward.

"It's been a while since the last picnic hasn't it Misora?" Said the one with white hair.

"Kori, it's only been 3 days " Said the black haired one.

"Hitsugaya-taicho, these are my Zanpakuto, Kori no Tsubasa and Kasai no Tsubasa" I said.

"So this was the captain you were talking about" Kori said walking up to him.

"A little small don't you think? " Kasai said looking at him.

"Size does not matter Kasai" Kori said.

"But his size is also a measure of reitsu Kori" Kasai shot back.

They started to fight using words.

"Um sorry, Hitsugaya-taicho" I apologized, "But is it okay if Hyorinmaru joins us too?"

"But how? They materialized back into their sword form because of their lack of reitsu"

"Well, Kori and Kasai just take my reistu for a short while so I'm sure you can too"

"Alright then" Hitsugaya said taking out his zanpakuto,"Hyorinmaru, you can borrow my reitsu and materialize if you want"

A freezing wind came and swirled, a tall turquoise haired man in a blue kimono came forward. He had a blue x scar on his face and an icey tail.

"It worked" Hitsugaya said in reply.

"It's been a long time since I've been in this form" Hyorinmaru said, "Did you need something? "

"We're having a picnic" Hitsugaya replied tossing him a onigiri.

Hyorinmaru examined the onigiri and took a bite of it. "It's good"

"Have you never tried one before?" Kori asked taking a sip of her tea.


"Then you must join us more often"

"Hey Misora, when are you going to at least try to look better?" Kasai said playing with my hair, "It's so long"

"You also must sharpen up your manners" Kori scolded me.

"Master, how have you been?" Hyorinmaru asked Hitsugaya.

"Fine" He replied, "Um, Hoshina?"


"Is it always like this with your Zanpakuto? And I thought you only had one"He said watching me get scolded.

"Yes, and Kori and Kasai are twin Zanpakuto. Though they have opposite personalities"

He smiled as he watched. Once they were done scolding me we continued the pinic. Hyorinmaru stood watching.

"Hyorinmaru! I called," why don't you come sit next to me?"

"um okay" He replied sitting next to me.

"Here why don't you try some mochi?" I asked handing him the pink tinted treat.

"Thank you"He replied taking it, "It taste like watermelons " He looked at me with kind eyes, "You are very kind"

"Thank you" I said blushing a little.

"Hey Hoshina, you're not planning to fall for my Zanpakuto are you?" Hitsugaya said taking my hand, "You already have me"

"What! You're with the kid!?" Kasai shouted.

"Kid!?" Hitsugaya exclaimed.

"Captain is one thing but lover is another I won't tolerate this!" Kasai said to Hitsugaya.

They starred angrily at eachother.

"Misora" Kori said, "just to be clear we're not doing that right?"

" No I don't think so" I replied.

"What's that?" Hitsugaya asked.

"Normally during the picnic we practice dances" Kori explained

"Why don't you practice then?" He asked me.

"No I don't think I can-" I said.

"It'll be fine it's only me" He said.

"Okay then" I said taking out two fans, Kori brought out her flute and Kasai brought out her biwa. They started to play a harmonious tune. I danced along remembering each step and forming it perfectly.

"This is a Chu no Mai dance" Hitsugaya said as he watched. The song ended and I bowed.

"So how was it?" I asked.

"That was amazing" Hitsugaya said clapping.

"Thank you"

Kori and Kasai looked at eachother and wispered something in Hyorinmaru's ear and gave him a small drum. They started to play a song .

"This would bea dance for two isn't it" Hitsugaya said taking my hand .

I took his other hand blushing like crazy. We danced with each other, my heart jumping about. I could even see a small blush in Hitsugaya.

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