Chapter 4 Present (1)

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I walked into my office, expectting a pile of Matsumoto's past, unfinished paperwork on my desk. Only to find a small box, a letter and no paperwork.

"That's odd"I said looking around the room, there was no paperwork to be found.

"She probably hid it" I said sitting down and opening the letter.

" To Hitsugya - Taicho

This is for all of the hard work you've been doing!!!"

I untied the blue silk ribbon and opened the white box.

"Mochi?" I said, taking one from the box full of the light pink sweets,that were wrapped in a blue green tissue paper.

"Ehhhh? What you got there Taicho?" Said Matsumoto hovering over me, along with her bosom.

I quickly moved to the lobby area for some space.

"Did someone give something to you? Shiro - chan?" Said a cheerful voice.

"H - Hinamori!?" I said strugging to get out of her hug.

"What did you get Shiro - chan?" Momo said releasing her grip.

"I told you it's Hitsugaya - Taicho!"

"It's Mochi!!!" Said Rukia taking one from the box and observing it, "It looks homemade too"

"Hey that's not yours Rukia, It's Toshiro's"Said Ichigo taking it from Rukia and putting back in the box.

"Rukia?Kurosaki?" I said looking at them.

"Ah! Hitsugaya - kun! You're here too!" Said Orihime , walking into the room, along with Uryuu and Sado.

"IT'S HITSUGAYA - TAICHO!!!!!!"I shouted angrily, "Matsumoto what are you doing!? Get back to work! And what are you all doing here!?"

"But Taichoo!!! All my work was done yesterday!!"

"But you weren't event here yesterday!!!"

"Hey! We're just visting Soul Society for the winter on our break! You could at least be a little happy to see us!" Shouted Ichigo.

"Who would want to see you!? You bring about trouble whenever you guys come here!!" I shouted back.

"Hey Toshiro that's harsh you know!" Shouted Ichigo trying to pound my head.

"It's Hitsuga-mruaoff!!!!!" I yelled as Momo stuffed a mochi into my mouth.

"That's right Shiro-chan! Eat your present so the sender can be happy!" She said taking another one from the box, "So how is it?"

The mochi was soft and chewy and absolutely delicious, and the filing was the flavor of.... watermelon? I quickly ate the mochi and took the one from Momo's hand and ate that one as well.

"Well if he eats it like that then it's gotta be good" Said Ichigo taking one from the box.

I quickly grabbed the box before he could grab any.

"Hey Toshiro you gotta share!"Shouted Ichigo.

"It's my present" I said eating another one, "It's watermelon flavored"

"So that's why you won't put it down!!"Shouted Momo.

"I've never heard of watermelon flavored mochi before" Said Rukia pulling back Ichigo as he tries to hit me.

"I wonder who made it," Said Orihime," they have to be a really good cook. Making normal mochi is hard enough, but making a new kind this good. I don't know anyone that good"

"Me neither" I said eating another.

I thought hard about it, I never told anyone about me liking watermelons other than Momo, who could have known?...

"Ahhhh!" I shouted.

"What is it Taicho!?" Said Matsumoto

"H-Hoshina!!!!! She did your work yesterday too!!!!"

"You mean Sora-chan!?" Asks Matsumoto.

"Who is she!?" Everyone else demanded.

Then as if right on cue, their was a knock on the door.

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