Chapter 2 Memories of the Past

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"Alright first question," I said sitting down across from Misora, "Where did you live before becoming a shinigami?"

"At West Rukongai, 2nd district" She answered quickly.

"Wait did you say West Rukongai?" I asked.


I paused for a moment, for a past memory was about to reveal itself, but I pushed it away.

"Is something the matter?" She asked quietly.

"No it's fine," I said,"Did you live with anyone?"

"..." She stayed silent,her hands were clenched in fist as if trying to endure a painful memory.

"You don't have to answer it if it's too personal"

"No, I grew up alone"

"I see it says in your papers that you were at the top of your classes, is this true?"

She nodded.

"And you've already achived Shikai?"

Misora nodded.


She shaked her head no.

"I see, you may leave now, I asked all the questions I needed to ask. Thank you and welcome to our squad"

She nodded her thanks and left the room in silence.

"Geez," I said to myself, "She's so quiet, am I scary or something?"

I thought about the memory that I pushed away earlier, a memory when me and Momo were still in Rukongai.

Was it really her though?

Toshiro's Memory

It was a normal day in the first district of West Rukongai, I was looking for Momo by the border between the first and second district when.

"Please stop it!!!!!!!!" Cried a small voice.

"Who's going to stop me?" Yelled another.

I looked behind the building, into an alley to find a little long white haired girl cornered and surrounded by a gang of little boys.

"Looks like your older brother isn't here to protect you this time"

The little boys started to kick the ground and the girl, making dust get all over her.

"Please stop!" *cough cough* "Leave me alone!"

"Come on, stupid white haired brat! Fight back!"

The girl looked over at me.

"Please help me..." She pleaded.

I was scared and didn't know what to do so I turned and ran away believing that I saw nothing, but as I did the one thing that pounded a load of guilt and regret onto me, I looked back and found the girl looking down, sobbing, as if she lost all hope.

That can't be her though, if that was, she probably wouldn't have the will power to become a shinigami. But here she was, a shinigami in my squad.

"Oh Taichoooo!" Said a voice.

"What do you want Matsumoto?"

"So, how is she? Do you like her?"

"She's ok, she's already achieved Shikai"

"What really?! It's really rare for someone to obtain Shikai in the academy years"

"It's not that hard"

"OH YEAH!!I forgot you had it too!"

"Gosh, Matsumoto, you're so loud"

"I wonder if I should invite Misora to drink with Shuhei and Kira"

"If you have time to drink, use it to actually FINISH YOUR WORK!!!!"

"Ahh! Taicho! You're so mean!"

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