𝚌𝚘𝚍𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚍

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ohh the craaaaamps
ohh the paaaaiin
ohh, screw you peRIODS!

Pidge clutched her stomach, hard, aching pains ran through her body. Her stomach churning and squealing. She whined, grabbing her bedsheets and grabbing them like her life depended on it.
Period pains have never felt this painful.
She put a hand over her mouth to stop her from screaming, I have Paladin duties today.
How am I meant to do them?
What about Lance?
Right on cue, Lance burst through the door. "I saw... Your calendar...." He panted, he rested his hand on the door frame, "are you alright?" He closed the door behind him and walked to the side of her bed.
"I feel like death Lance." She groaned as she rolled on her side, grabbing her waist in pain. He sighed sadly at the sight. He slid into bed with her and beckoned for her to come forward, she slowly turned to him and collapsed on his chest, tears springing in her eyes.
He rubbed her waist slowly and wiped away her tears. She let out a sharp cry as another wave of pain hit her stomach. "God... L... Lance." She gasped.
pidge's having a bad one 🥺
i had one in math.. i had a test. it. was. hell. pretty sure i got a bad grade anyway. my math teacher would've never understood me anyway 😤
Lance glanced down at her, "yes?"
She gave up and let out a loud sob, "it hurts so damn much."
Lance stared down at his girlfriend.
I can't let her go through all this pain.
"Hang on. I'm getting some things for you." He wiggled his way out of his bed slowly and walked out of the room, upset to leave her alone. He arrived at the kitchen and opened a shelf. "Where's Pidge, Lance?" Shiro asked, the rest of the crew at the table staring at him curiously. "She's sick guys.... Why?"
"Well... We have a huge helping mission on today." Keith said, sipping the hot tea between his icy fingers. "Yeah... Some part of a alien's planet collapsed and we gotta help them get it off." Hunk said, swirling his cookie in his hot chocolate. "What planet?" Lance asked as he got out a tin full of PB cookies. "Wikzulla." Allura answered, chugging down black coffee while skimming through the damage made in Wikzulla on her neon orange pad. Lance began to grow annoyed about the nonexistent sympathy for Pidge in the ship. "Wikzulla is a quiznacking rich planet, they have all the resources they need to rebuild it, why do they need our help?" Lance grumbled, grabbing hot packs and placing them in a hot towel. Allura let out a small gasp. "What's your problem Lance?" Keith growled. "My problem is that no one's bothered asking how Pidge is, and don't you guys remember how much tech Wikzulla has? They're not nice either! Remember how rude they were to you, Allura?"
"It was a misunderstanding Lonce."
"No!! It wasn't, how can you mistake a goddamn Altean for a Galra?!"
"Calm down Lance." Shiro warned.
Lance grabbed the plate full of goodies.
"No!! I won't! My girlfriends not well and all you care about is a planet full of snobs." He growled and walked out the door, "wait, Lance?" Allura called out. "What?"
"What's wrong with Pidge?"
Crap. Pidge, please don't kill me.
"She's on her period."
"What's a period? Is it fun? Wait, it wouldn't be it she's sick..." Keith choked on his tea as Allura continued to talk to herself and as Hunk shoved him. "Pay up Keithy boy," he grinned as Keith groaned and handed him 5 bucks.
"Wait... Wha?" Lance stuttered, confused. "We had a bet, that if Altean's couldn't have periods Keith'd have to give me 5 dollars!!" Hunk laughed uncontrollably.
Lance laughed along with him, but his laughter slowly died away as he felt a figure behind him. "Yo." The figure said weakly. "Pidge!" He yelped, "get back to bed!"
"Nah, I've been up long enough." She answered softly.
Lance quickly shut the door and carried Pidge back to his room, the plate wobbling on his head. "Lemme take that." Pidge whispered, she propped her elbows up on Lance's arms and picked up the plate. "Peanut butter cookies? Lance, thank you."
She kissed his cheek as she nibbled on the cookie. She looked at the other things on the plate, a heating pad, more snacks and hot water. "I really don't deserve you Lance....." She muttered.
"I'm just helping you out Pidgey." Lance smiled as Pidge crawled back to bed. He went back into bed with her and hugged her, "i'm so sorry you have to go through this all Katie...." He sighed, tears threatening to spill from his eyes. "Don't cry Lance... It's fine."
She reached out and stroked his cheek. "It's ok. It's ok." She comforted him. "My sisters never had periods this bad back home...." Lance started.
"What if there's some thing inside you-"
"Lance, don't start, I only watched Alien two days ago...."
"But y'know, just saying..."
"What did it say on my calendar?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, if it was like... A cross or a heart or something...."
"It was a heart?"
Pidge leaped up from Lance's chest, ignoring the repetitive shoots of pain in her stomach. "A HEART?!" She cried, Lance stared at her blankly, "yeah....?"
She fell out of bed and scrambled to the floor, running to her room and slamming the door open. She stumbled the calendar and screamed, "LANCE!!"
Lance ran as fast as he could to her, grabbing her and shaking her, "whAT IS IT?!" He cried impatiently.
"I..... I missed my period."
"It was.... IT WAS A WEEK AGO!"
HoW... How the hECK WAS I MEANT TO REALISE: "OH! I miSSED my period!!!"
Pidge frowned, "Make Lance breakfast day."
Lance laughed, "you have a day for that?"
"Well duh! But since I got my 'period' and I couldn't get outta bed aND then when I DID everyone including you were in the kitchen so I just gave up." She finished. Blushing and staring down at the ground, embarrassed....
I said too much, crap.
Lance lifted her head up, "so all those days you made me breakfast.... Were planned?"
Lance hugged her, "thank you Pidgey."
"No problem."
Lance nuzzled against Pidge's neck, "do you want to do a ultrasound?"
Pidge pulled away, "huh?"
"I feel like that's not some alien inside you. Your not on your period either AND you missed it."
Pidge removed her hands from his neck and onto his chest, feeling his soft heartbeat. "What if I really am pregnant?"
Lance smirked, "we'll just have to see... Won't we?"
"Mmm... That's definitely something in there!!" Allura squealed excitedly, waving her lamp. "IS IT A ALIEN?!" Hunk yelled, $5.00 in hand. "IT BETTER BE!" Keith screeched, $15.00 in his hand. Allura looked closer at the screen above her, she shined the lamp more. "It's a baby." She announced.
"It's a baby." Pidge repeated.
"That's a baby." Hunk said, grabbing $15.00 off Keith's hands.
"It's a baby." Keith growled, stamping his foot on the ground.
"Baby?" Shiro asked.
"It's.... It's a girl!" Allura yelped.
"Oh god." Pidge gasped.
Lance lifted Pidge up from her seat and hugged her. "We're pregnant!!" He yelled in her ear. "You mean... I'm pregnant?" Pidge said breathlessly.
"YOUR PREGANTAE?" Coran cried, bursting through the door. Everyone stared at him.
"Isn't that how it's pronounced?"
word count: 1273
i don't have much to say except i started hs yesterday? the school is sO BIG-
but i really enjoyed my first day for some reason
- Apri

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