.:Looking for Naruto:.

Start from the beginning

Sakura shrugged. "It's not like I have a choice, right? Besides, It's not like I have any classes with him, so I should be fine." She didn't wait a second for me to respond, she just walked into her class.


The bell had rang already and I knew I was late. But I figured, it was my first time being late so I'm sure Mrs.Kurenai would let it slide.I walked into class and as I walked to my seat, i realized the looks on everyone's face. Some were staring at me with the same expression from this morning and most didn't care.

The rest of the class I couldn't pay attention. All I could think about was how I was going to fix the problem between Naruto and Sakura, or even if I could. But one thing was for sure. I needed to find Naruto and hear his side of the story.


When the bell rang I packed my things and was about to leave, until Mrs.kurenai called me to her desk. "Hinata? Can you come here a moment?"

"Y-yes mam..?"

"Why were you late today?"

"Well, my friend had something really bad happen to her.. and being there for my friend is more important then getting to class on time. Just as long as I get to class, right..?"

"Well.. yeah your right, but it could still effect your grades."


She looked up at me from her chair she sat in behind her desk and crossed arms. "What exactly was the problem with your friend? It must've been really bad if you had to be late to class."

Nervously I fiddled with my hands and replied . "Well.. my friend .. well, it's just teenager stuff really mam.."

"Yknow, I was a teenager once.."

"..My friend saw her boyfriend get kissed by another girl and she was really upset.. " I sighed. "So now I'm going to find her boyfriend and I'm going to see what's his side of the story."

Mrs.Kurenai sighed, closing her eyes in frustration. "Well, Hinata. That's not your job. If your friend really wants to work things out then she has to do it herself."

"But Mrs. Kurenai, she's too upset to talk to him.."

"Then wait, she'll come around."

I sighed. "But.. I want to help! I want to hear his side of the story. It'll take ages for her to gather the courage and talk to him..! I need to talk to him myself."

"Very well, whatever you think is best, Hinata . You can go now."

"Thank you mam."

"By the way Hinata," She said stopping me. "Don't tell anybody I said this, but your my favorite student. Don't be afraid to talk to me when you need to."

"Thanks Mrs.Kurenai.." I said as I walked out the class.


My mind was set on finding Naruto. I had to find him, and hear his side of the story. It was the only way I could get this nightmare to stop. I figured if i found out what Naruto had to say, then I could give a message to Sakura, then the two would forgive each other and be happy again. That's all I really wanted.

My Best Friends Boyfriend {A NaruHina Story}Where stories live. Discover now