Chapter 1: The Gathering

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Rakurai desu.


I wish I own Sailor Moon.

This chapter's picture is from

This story is based on bravd's Christmas story: Facing Love from The original idea is theirs but I've re-written it into my own plot.


Will she really be here?"

"She'll be here. I've personally checked her flight. There's nothing to worry about."

"But Setsuna-san... she's been away for months!" Usagi's eyes darted around the airport anxiously. The future Queen had never stopped being such a worrywart even after she'd turned twenty, Setsuna contemplated with amusement.

Crystal Tokyo had yet to come, but the Senshi had seen great changes in their dear future Queen. She was much wiser now, gaining the ability to discern subtlety—the one thing everyone thought she'd never be able to do. And yet, she shocked everyone at how mature (also preferably less whiny) she had become. No matter how much she'd changed, Usagi's greatest strength, her love for everyone, was still as abundant. It was also the reason why she was fussing and fidgeting and pacing the floor with profound worries over Setsuna's housemate.

"You're sure she'll be here?" Usagi voiced her concern for the umpteenth time.

Setsuna sighed, but a flicker of mirth danced within her burgundy eyes. Usagi would have been like an old housewife had it not been for the change in her voice. While her tone had stayed the same, it had gotten sensible over the years, though it carried a softness that resembled a motherly figure.

"She will. We all agreed to spend Christmas together, didn't we?"

"Yes, you're right." Her eyes went downcast, a melancholy smile tugged at the corner of her mouth. "Though not all of us could keep it..."

Setsuna's eyes strayed to the side, as if on cue. She always did that, Hotaru once told her, whenever someone from their inner circle reminded her of how one of her two dear housemates would be absent on such event. It was not on purpose; Michiru was busy with her tour, her album, her career. With Haruka it was pretty much the same but on the racetrack. It was to be expected of people with their standing. At the very least, one of them would make it for the occasion, but never both. Their jobs pretty much took up all of their time after they had begun living normal lives again.

One of the Inners once asked her opinion on this particular matter. She'd never give anything away. Setsuna would put on a smile, however wistful it was, and said it is their job; they couldn't help it. Reflecting her own mood would be their own sombre smiles. Other than that, they seldom brought the subject up again.

This time would be no different, she thought, as they awaited Haruka's flight to touch down. It was clear enough who wasn't going to attend this year's Christmas vacation.

Just as her thoughts passed, her phone buzzed. Taking it out, she noticed a message from Haruka.

"It'd be nice if Michiru-san could make it this year..." Usagi conveyed wistfully.

"Yes, it'd be nice indeed..." She tucked her phone in, pushing the thought away, "let's go get Haruka."

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