Chapter 28: Throne (Pt 1/1)

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I count ten rogues, not including the alpha. There is one on either side of Hunt. Four by the main entrance, one at each side entrance, and one on either side of the throne thing. Which is a little too close for comfort for me.

I need Hunt to get them away from the throne so I can get an opening on the alpha.

"You are one ugly bastard," Hunt says, clearly talking to the alpha.

I hear a growl of anger echo throughout the hall.

"Who do you think you are?" the alpha barks.

"Your worst nightmare." Hunt smirks.

The alpha laughs. "You're pathetic."

I quietly fiddle with my necklae while waiting for an opening. The rogue on the left side of the throne starts sniffing the air.

He's winded me for sure. Hunt notices the situation as the rogue is turning around.

Hunt lets out the loudest and most vicious growl I've ever heard him do. He tears down, pushing his forearms to the floor, taking the rogues holding him down with him. The two by the chair rush to help. I see my opening. I spring up from behind the throne and thrust my silver-laced machete towards the alpha's neck.

I calculate my swing wrong and just graze his skin. He reacts immediately, taking advantage of my side that has been left open after my failed attempt to remove his head. He spins me around, bringing me into a chokehold.

"You really thought you could get away with that?" He laughs.

Two rogues take me out of the alpha's chokehold and push me to my knees directly in front of him. My weapon is lying by my left knee.

He kneels down and looks me in the eye. "Oh, I remember you. I'd remember that necklace anywhere." He pulls on it, trying to get a better look.

His comment confuses me. How does this dipshit know me?

"I enjoyed killing your parents. I can still hear their screams and can still taste their warm blood from when I ripped their throats out. I would have gotten you too, but I was betrayed by my own son and he took you while I was busy ripping your parents apart." He growls. He wraps his hand around my throat and sinks his claws into my skin.

My blood boils in fury at what I just heard. For a short moment my rage subsides when I notice how old he looks. Like he's in his late fifties or even mid-sixties.

"You will die for what you did," I growl. I wince in pain because of his claws in my neck. Talking is painful and even more so when I growl.

He laughs. "Good luck with that." He tightens his grip on my neck. "Once I off you and your little friend, I can finally get my revenge on my son and once and for all end him and everything he cares about."

"Your son? Thought you were attacking the local most powerful pack in this region?" Hunt shouts.

I hear a thud, which I assume is the sound of Hunt's body getting slammed to the floor.

The alpha releases his grip on my neck to stand and see Hunt. I see a chance to turn the tide.

"Exactly, you pathetic fools," he grumbles.

"Wait, Eli's your son?" I cough.

He rolls his eyes like he is becoming even more annoyed with us. "You two are really some of the most idiotic werewolves I've ever seen."

I take my chance. I thrust my head into one of the rogues holding me. He loses his grip enough to free one of my arms, and I overpower the other rogue. All this happens in a split second. I retrieve my machete and quickly turn the tide of this situation. I bring the alpha to his knees with my weapon to his throat.

"Let my friend go or I'll kill you." I growl deeply. I let my claws sink into his shoulder. I never like to bring my claws out in human form, but I'll make an exception this one time.

Rogues being the dumb idiots that they are, they start backing away from Hunt.

"Stop, you fools! He'll kill me anyway," he shouts.

But it was too late. "This is for my parents, and this is for Benny." I take my machete-bearing arm and swing it back then I thrust it towards his neck. I remove my other hand from him just before making contact with his skin. It makes a clean cut through his neck. He's still for a moment, then his head slides off his body and rolls to the feet of his followers. The looks on their faces are priceless, needless to say. They all turn their eyes to me.

"Hunt!" I yell as I start sprinting towards the exit.

Hunt follows my lead. He pulls a gadget out of his pack while we are in full sprint and thrusts it full strength into the ground in front of us. A large cloud of thick smoky fog emerges and fills the entire area.

We shift into our wolf forms, racing out into the courtyard, passing many confused-looking rogues. Shouting and other various angry loud noises come from behind us. An alarm sounds. A piercing loud siren echoes throughout the whole fortress.

We don't slow down for nothing. With all the confusion, we make it out of the fortress without too much trouble other than a few rogues that know what's going on and are on our asses.

We weave and dodge through the forest. We skid to a complete stop, running into some werewolves knocking them to the ground. We immediately shift back. We recognize who they are.

"Eli!" I shout.

Eli looks towards me with a concerned expression.

"We did it," Hunt finishes for me.

A slight smile is brought to his face. "Go!" he yells to us. "Your job is done."

I'm not gonna argue. The only thing I can think about is getting home.

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