Imagine| OTP

Beginne am Anfang

That was enough for you.
Renewed by the reassurance of food you linked your arm through Warren and trudged along to the kitchen.

Everyone was already there helping themselves to the plentiful array of food. Warren pulled out the chair for you
"Such a gentleman Warren" Scott cooed high-fiving Peter
Warren shared a look with you. You took his hand from under the table soothingly traced circles.
"Next year you two would have been together for three years!" Said Peter takin a bite of a burger
You beamed leaning briefly onto Warren who kissed your temple
"So lover boy when you gonna pop the question" Peter continued nonchalantly.

These words caught you off guard and Warren who had clenched your hand very hard
You had choked on your drink glancing nervously at Warren who did not like to be very public about this- especially not with Peter.
"And then" ,sa id Peter excitedly, "can I be the godfather — or even better name the kid after me if it's a girl call her Petra."
"Peter!" Snapped Jean out of the blue shutting the speedster up.
You smiled politely taking a sip from your drink.

Warren stood, "I think I'm going to go to bed," he said straightening his jacket
You said goodbye and allowed Warren to wrap his arms around your waist leading back to the dorms.
"I swear one day I will punch Maximoff" Warren growled sitting down on the bed
You tutted, "he's just being Peter. At least he doesn't hate us being together."
"Yea well Jemma it's like he's the third person in this relationship."
"Don't be silly Ren" you sighed lying down, "haven't you been used to it Peters been like this worse two years ago on our second date "
"Which he turned up to," Warren said pointedly.
"Well... yes," you said trailing of
Warren didn't respond instead he lied back his head on your stomach,
"Sing to me "
You smiled tracing the tattoos that framed his cherubic face
You started singing softly humming to the tune Warren closed his eyes as your words washed over him
🎶 I'm your music
I'm your song
Play me time and time again and make me strong
Make me sing, make me sound
Andante, Andante"
Warren sighed happily, and you brushed your hand softly across his wings causing a small shudder from the angel,
Tread lightly on my ground
Andante, Andante
Oh, please, don't let me down 🎶

Somehow during the night you and Warren had intangled: the legs intertwined and you -who in height was only a few cms if that shorter- had found yourself half on top of him and Warren who had shimmied around during the night lay flat on his stomach his right wing covered you lightly a feather blanket.
Yawning you looked at Warren who looked so peaceful as he slept his bed head was adorable.

The blinds had been opened by you assumed your dorm mate Ororo and the light illuminated the dark room.
"You're staring" Warren mumbled his eye half opened
Blushing you teased, "I can't help it Ren your just too dam adorable."
"Adorable?" Warren mumbled narrowing his blue eyes at you
"Hmmmm let's see... cute, precious, handsome, hot, sexy," you said as you tickled his wings. Warren laughed under his breath and writhed under your touch
"Jemma stop" he whined still laughing a small stain of pink on his cheeks.

It was the weekend which means no work! Well, it's suggested but who listens.
You had kicked Warren out so you could shower and change while simultaneously rocking to your playlist.

You and Warren ate breakfast together Jubilee joined briefly before leaving to find Kurt. Jean no doubt was in the library and Scott was most likely causing mischief with Peter and Ororo could be anywhere, who knew with her. Maybe she'd be in the attic again?

It was a stunning day outside: clear blue sky and cool refreshing breeze and the greenery seemed to be even more luscious. Kids were out by the lake but hand in hand you and Warren walked in harmony to a secluded spot on the other side of the pond sheltered by large willow trees. Warren paused in his step his eyes on the ground where a third shadow trailed after them
"That'll be Peter," you said walking faster to catch up to your boyfriend who picked up speed.

You both sat down against the tree. Warren suddenly lifted you and placed you in his lap, you giggle, "Ren?"
"Jemma?" He whispered into your ear.
You sighed allowing him to brush his fingers through your brown hair. As Warren braided, you lock you hummed to yourself. Warren loved your singing he often told you how he liked the way your eyes lit up, the way you swayed with the music and your angelic voice.

A twig snapped, and you looked up annoyed that someone had interrupted you and Warren.
Someone sat down in front of you and judging by the groan Warren voiced it was Peter.
"Maximoff" Warren greeted stiffly abandoning the braid wrapping his hand around your waist pulling you closer resting his head on your shoulder.
"Worthington" he replied the looking directly at you said
"Ms Worthington"
"Peter" you scolded while giggling.
"You guys are my life"
..Warren tensed you turned to him brushing your lips against his
"Peter I heard Kurt looking for you" you lied effortlessly, and Peter was gone.

You looked lovingly at Warren who stared darkly where Peter briefly sat
"You do know what we should do to get Peter to chill", you said softly emphasising each word leading up to a dramatic reveal.
Warren hummed and traced a pattern on your back
"You could use your sound waves to make him deaf?" He suggested
You rolled your eyes, "no."
"We need to set him up!"
Warren sat up straighter interested
"Maybe Kurt? Or that girl in Science who keeps looking at him I think her name is Darcy?"
"Do I sense a new otp Ren?"
Warren chuckled distracting himself by kissing up and down your neck
"You know we are my favourite otp".

Warren Worthington iii x reader imagines and preferencesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt