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Mark: I wanna meet Stella

BamBam: SAME

Jackson: me too! Also! Jaebum! How did it go?

Yugyeom: oh! I can add her to the chat later?  But Bum!! 👀👀👀

Jaebum: Hyung* ^

Mark: omfg jaebutt what the fuck happened ya doofus

BamBam: omg

Jaebum: -_- I got yelled at and I bowed and when my contract was handed to me to resign stating that I could not come out as gay in any way I ripped it and left

Yugyeom: oh my god- are youokay?

Jackson: hyung!! I'm so sorry but I'm glad you're following your heart in the end

Mark: Ah Jae.. just hurry up and come back I'll make food what is your favorite?

BamBam: is he staying with you hyung?

Jackson: 😏

Jaebum: yeah.. it's okay it's scary cause it's going to a world of unknown but I'll figure it out yeah?  That's sweet Mark anything is fine with me.  I'm at the airport now so I'll be back in a couple hours

Mark: I'll get you at the airport

BamBam: 😏😏😏

Jackson: cute

Mark: wasn't Yug adding Stella?

Jaebum: yeah do that

Yugyeom: LMAO fine fine be nice >_>

Yugyeom added Stella

Stella: Hello!  I'm Stella it's nice to properly (kinda) meet you all

BamBam: cute

Mark: Hello I'm Mark I'm the oldest

Jackson: lMAO okay hi I'm jackson

BamBam: oh I'm BamBam i didn't know we were doing introductions whoops

Yugyeom: hi I'm Yugyeom

Stella: woah really?  Yugyeom is such a weird name hmm 🧐🧐

Jaebum: I like her.  I'm Jaebum

Stella: it's nice to meet (kinda again) you guys!

Yugyeom: :))

Jackson: how old are you?

Mark: you can't ask a lady her ageeee

Jackson: excuse me imma trying to see if she's my noOna

Stella: 😋😂 I'm only 20 so fraid not since Yugyeom said he was the youngest and I'm even younger 😂

BamBam: c u t e

I have a problem.  It was hinted earlier that Jinyoung was Stella's brother. So if he comes into the story that only leaves youngjae out which makes me feel bad- so how the fuck does he come in? And is he the only single one or do we do JinJae (idk their ship name sue me)

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