Chapter 16: The Prince with an Insecurity

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Chapter 16 - The Prince with an Insecurity

We spent our time in the next weeks preparing for the wedding. Everyone, except Queen Saniera and her snooty son Oliver, was excited. They boringly come and go, not talking to me or Alex.

But one day, a surprise came from someone special. My mother!

"Charlotte!" She bellowed, spreading her arms wide open.

I ran straight into her arms, squeezing her with all my strength.

She stroked my hair. "I've missed you so bad, my child!"

"I missed you too, mother!" I cried in joy.

"And you must be the Prince Alex!" She smiled at Alex, who was standing behind me.

He came forward and addressed her with a kiss. "Lady Clarissa! An honor to meet you personally!"

"Oh my, what a charmer!" She blushed.

I guess I'm not the only one from my family who was under the spell of Alexander.

"I heard everything about you two, everything that you went through together. You both are just so brave and spirited!" She beamed.

"Thank you, Mother! We couldn't have made it without each other," I grinned at Alex, who returned one as well.

"It was a tough long ride, but with Charlotte, who made it light, it was pretty quick and easy!" Alex patted my back.

"That's very good! I'm so pleased to see my daughter so delighted because of you, Alex. I hope you will take good care of her in the future."

"I will, Lady Clarissa. I can never leave Charlotte alone," he promised her.

I gave him a coltish punch.

"Charlotte! That's not how you treat a prince! What happened to your princess etiquette? Apologize to Alex right now!" My mother rebuked.

"No, it's fine, Lady Clarissa. We're always like this to each other. She's just playing with me," he said as he poked me on my side.

"Yes, Mother. Don't worry, we're just having fun," I assured her.

"Well I hope your fun doesn't turn into rough playing. I don't want the both of you to get hurt. Be safe now, Queen Saraphina is calling out to me. We're going to talk about your cake!" She said as she left, then we stopped poking each other.

"So when did you start flirting with me? Isn't it supposed to be the other way around; the guy is supposed to do it?" He lifted an eyebrow in suspicion.

"Now, now, it's fine to flirt with you, now that we're engaged! Ha!" I giggled.

He bit his lip and threatened to kiss me.

"I'm fearless. Come at me if you dare," I yelled out, running away from him.

He chased after me, and I was looking back at him, so I didn't really see where I was going, and that Oliver was in front of me.

We collided and fell onto the floor.

"Ow!" I rubbed my head.

"Ugh! Watch where you're going, princess," Oliver hissed at me, and narrowed his eyes at Alex.

"I'm sorry, Oliver. I was just, uh, taking a quick run to warm my muscles up for the day," I smiled, hoping I looked apologetic.

Alex helped me up and we stood to see Oliver's reaction.

"Hmph. And Prince Alexander... I do hope you can learn to act more like a real prince. Your rogue attitude is just too much for this entire Kingdom. You both better not make any trouble or else I'll tell my mother!" He snootily said as he strutted off away, with his nose high in the air as if he was a prince himself.

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