Chapter 17: True Happiness

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Chapter 17 - True Happiness


Well, that was a whirlwind. Two weeks had gone by, and it was already the morning of the wedding.

I heard Freda's light footsteps enter my room, and her fingers feeling to draw the curtains. Next thing I knew, she was by my side, gently shaking me.

"Princess Charlotte! Wake up! It's your big day!" She sang, as she settled down a tray of food on my bedside table.

Oh goody, breakfast in bed!

"Hurry, Princess! You still need to take your bath and massage, and the stylists will need to fix your hair, makeup, and your dress, and those will take a few hours to perfect!" She pulled the quilt off my body.

I sat up, feeling excited and jittery. There were to be many guests attending the wedding, I heard. People from the two Kingdoms are coming. Everyone is going to attend the wedding, the feast, and the ball. And I almost forgot that I was going to have a dance number with Alex.

My mind's too muddled up right now. I guess I should heed Freda's advice, to eat my breakfast quickly and get into those relaxations.

I gobbled my food, and when I was done, I went straight into the tub, soaking myself in the warm aromatic waters.

The masseuse came in, and said jokingly, "Good to see you again, Princess. I hope you won't run away in this wedding."

"I won't, my lady. I can never do a thing like that again," I whispered.

"Haha, fantastic! Alright, I shan't bother you anymore. Relax, and I'll start on the massage."

I lay on my stomach with my head down on my shoulders. It felt soothing to be released from the stress I was under a few minutes ago.

Too bad the hour of the massage came to an end, and I bade the lady farewell.

Now, the stylists came in. It was seven at the moment, and the wedding will begin at ten.

They calmly put my gown on and fixed all the details of the delicate frock. Then they started on my hair. First, they curled it, then they swept it on my shoulder. The hair stylists placed a jeweled headband on my head, and finally, my tiara.

"Um, miss? Why do I need a headband if I already have my crown?" I asked, looking at her in the mirror.

"Oh Princess, when you decide to remove your tiara at some point of the celebration, let's say, the dancing, you at least have a band to decorate your hair," she answered.

"Ah, alright then," I nodded.

They put my shoes on, and gave me the bouquet of red and blue roses.

It was already a quarter to ten, and tons of people were coming in.

 "Freda, will my grandparents be here?" I nervously looked out of the window, trying to not bite my nails.

"Princess, they are here! I passed them and your mother just now, and they're all excited. But the King has given strict orders for nobody to see you though..." Freda replied as she pinned the long veil onto my hair.

"Not even Brianna or Alyssa?" I moaned.

"No, I'm sorry you're Highness. And I don't think Alyssa is interested to see you right now... she's hooked on fast to Sir Tristan," she giggled.

I laughed along with her about Alyssa, as we stepped out of my room and into the hallway.

The hallways were so dead with silence and empty from crowds. It's obvious that everyone's in the Main Hall already, awaiting my arrival.

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