8- run to you

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When Scott walked back in the door, Kirstin was still in bed, scrolling on her phone. She looked up at him.

"Where'd you go? I woke up when I heard the door close," She informed him, "It's so early!"

Scott sat on his bed. "Sorry Kirstin," he started, not really knowing how to explain, "I.. well, I don't think I can tell you."

She glared at him, setting down her phone. "Okay look, if we're gonna be trapped in time (hee hee) together, we can't keep secrets."

He sighed. He'd have to tell her, or else she'd find out on her own somehow.

"Well, last night, Mitch came in here," he began, "and before I could say anything to him, really, he kissed me."

Kirstin's eyes widened, and her mouth curled into a little smile that Scott knew she was trying to hold back.

"We kissed for a while, and I guess eventually he left. I don't really remember."

She looked shocked suddenly. "So you're telling me that this all happened right there," she pointed at Scott's bed, "And I didn't wake up? How?"

Scott shrugged. "I guess you're a deep sleeper."

She laughed gently, nodding. "So how did you feel?"

Scott shook his head. "I don't know, it felt wrong. I thought I liked him but when I kissed him," he hesitated, "it just felt wrong. Like something was just off."

"But what happened this morning?" Kirstin asked, absolutely intrigued.

"Well," he stated, "I told him. I told him that it felt wrong and that we should just be friends."

Her eyes widened. "What did he say?"

"Well, he agreed. I think he felt the same. We immediately knew something wasn't right about it." Scott admitted.

Kirstin smiled. "I'm proud of you, Scottie," she expressed, "for not just jumping into love at the first chance. Very adult." He chuckled.

"Should we get ready now?" Scott asked. Kirstin shrugged.

"Might as well."

At 10:15, the five of them met in the lobby.

"Guys, I rented a car for today!" Kevin exclaimed.

"Really?" Kirstin asked, surprised.

Kevin nodded. "I woke up early."

Scott and Mitch both looked at each other in confusion. They had seen Kevin asleep at like 7.

"What time? I didn't hear you." Mitch asked.

"6. Then I went to sleep again." Kevin told them. They all sighed with tiredness.

"Let's go, guys!" Matt exclaimed. They all smiled and walked outside. Kevin led them to a rental car place a couple blocks down, and they found the car.

They got in the car, Kevin driving, Matt in passenger seat, and the other three in the back. As they pulled away, Matt fiddled with the radio.

"It doesn't work!" He exclaimed.

"What?" Mitch exclaimed. They all valued music.

There was silence for a while.

"We should just sing our own songs." Scott suggested. They all laughed.
"Really! We all sing."

"Yeah, but what would we sing?" Matt asked.

"Let's make one up!" Kirstin suggested, excited.

"Can I start? I've been thinking about a little verse." Mitch asked.

They all nodded.

Mitch took a deep breath.

"A light in the room
It was you who was standing there
Tried it was true
As your glance met my stare.
But your heart drifted off
Like the land split by sea
I tried to go, to follow,
To kneel down at your feet
I'll run, I'll run
I'll run run to you
I'll run, I'll run
I'll run run to you."

They were all silent. Scott was amazed. Mitch's voice and tone were incredible, he did an amazing job. The story the song portrayed; it seemed all too familiar to Scott. He made eye contact with Mitch. Mitch looked away.

"For the next verse, how about," Kirstin began,

"I've been settling scores
I've been fighting so long
But I've lost your war
And our kingdom is gone
How shall I win back
Your heart which was mine
I have broken bones and tattered clothes
I've run out of time," she paused, and nodded at her friends. Scott knew what she meant. They all sang in unison, harmonizing,
"I'll run, I'll run
I'll run run to you
I'll run, I'll run
I'll run run to you,"

They all grinned.
"And then for the next part, we could split it!" Kevin suggested.

About twenty minutes full of arranging and writing later, Kevin pulled into a gas station. He quickly got gas, and then drove to park outside the store.

"I think we're done." Matt stated, proud. Scott looked over at Mitch. Mitch grinned. It was his song, but now it was all of theirs, an anthem and a plea.

"Should we try it all together?" Scott asked. They nodded.

They all took a deep breath and began. As they sang the heartfelt lyrics, Scott began to tear up. He looked at his best friends. They were all tearing up. When they reached the bridge, they were all belting. All the anger, pain, annoyance, frustration was let out into beautiful harmonies and lyrics, together creating a work of art.

On the "set me free," they all felt it. They wanted to be let free from the endless spiral of repetition of time that trapped them. It was never ending.

But as they carried on into, "I'll run, I'll run, I'll run run to you," they remembered. They weren't alone. They had each other to always run back to.

As the song came to a close, they were silent, listening to their tears rolling down their faces.

"I love you guys." Mitch told them, causing a smile from all of them.

A/N a lil' emotional moment there! Hope y'all liked it :)))

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