4- cry

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Scott sat down at the table. Avi was a couple minutes late to lunch, but he had all the time in the world. As he sat, he scrolled through his phone.

A couple minutes later, he heard the sound of crying. He looked up from him phone. He couldn't seem to find where the crying was coming from.

He stood up. He looked all around, and decided it was coming from a little supply closet in the deli.

He looked around. Nobody was really in there, and nobody was paying attention to his actions. He quickly opened the door and stepped inside.

He looked down. At his feet was a woman, scrunched up, and sobbing. Her black hair was mildly frizzy and messed up, and her heavy eye makeup was running.  She looked up at Scott, her brown-green eyes emptily looking into his.

"Hey..." Scott greeted her awkwardly. "How are- What's wrong? I'm Scott."

She glared at him and wiped her eyes.
"I'm Kirstin. And you wouldn't understand. Nobody will believe me."

For a moment, Scott felt a wave of excitement. Was she another like himself and Kevin? But he quickly shook the thought from his head.

"Look, I know we just met, but all the better to just let it out." Scott offered. "I won't judge you."

She took a deep breath, and almost spoke. But she paused, and shook her head. Tears started rolling down her face.

"Just tell me." Scott insisted, "I've had a really weird day. Nothing will phase me."

Kirstin looked closely at him. She saw the completely honest kindness and compassion he felt.

"Yesterday.. was... today." She struggled to phrase her words, "And the day before that. And-" Scott cut her off.

She is one of us. Scott grinned. Kirstin looked confused, immensely.

He stretched as he rose and offered his hand. She took it and stood up. She was largely shorter than he was.

"You need to meet somebody."

Scott rushed out the door of the closet, dragging Kirstin gently in tow.

"Hey, is it okay if I take you somewhere? I'm gay, so don't worry about me raping you or anything. I swear on our lives, you can trust me."

Kirstin nodded. They got into Scott's car.

As he drove, she was silent. He knew she was in shock, and confused, so he didn't push the conversation.

He pulled up to Kevin's house. He parked it carefully and quickly, and got out. He walked over to the passenger side and got the door for Kirstin. She whispered a quiet, "Thank you."

He ran to the door and rang the doorbell five times. Kevin opened the door after a quick moment.

"Hey Scott, I thought you were-" Kevin started, but stopped as soon as he saw Kirstin. He looked back at Scott.

"She's one of us." Scott stated. Kevin's eyes widened as he processed the information. He quickly ushered them inside.

"What is happening?" Kirstin asked.

"Well, um," Kevin started, but paused at the lack of knowing her name.

"Kirstin." She gently informed him.

"Well, Kirstin, you are one of us. You live every day of your life as this day. Welcome."

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