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Pov Dipper

I saw the people that I cared about disappear in front of my eyes. I was in this bubble and it was shrinking. I kept hitting the bubble where it was already cracked.

"Break. You. Fucking. Bubble." I mumbled to myself.

I kept hitting the bubble and I couldn't break it. I felt dizzy because of the amount of blood lost. I felt weak, but I can't give up. The bubble suddenly popped and I didn't even hit it. I fell on my side when it popped.

"D0A42, welcome," Someone said, "We've heard so many things about you."

I looked at them and I tried to get up, but couldn't.

"I hope Hughes was right about you," He said, "you were her greatest project of course."

I kicked him and he dropped me. I looked at him and said.

"I'm not her project,"
"I'll never be her's"

He made a faint smile and kicked me. I looked at him as he walked around me.

"I told her not to harm you, but she never listens," He mumbled, "I told her not to harm my next lab rat."
"..." I kept looking at him.
"I guess we can start off with you being harmed," He said, "It's better."

I got up slowly, but he pushed back down. I kept getting up and he kept doing the same thing. Pushing me back down.

"At least she brought you alive," He said, "We can't test on you if your dead."
"I rather die then become another lab rat," I spat.
"You're asking for a dead wish," He said.
"I've already see death," I said, "Not afraid to say hello and come back."
"Come with me," He said.

I refused to move and he took out something that I haven't seen before. I felt electricity run through my body, it burned. He grabbed my hair and pulled me to another room.

"She was right," He said, "you are hard to handle."
"Suck my dick," I hissed.

He opened the door and I saw so many kids. Then I see Zo and Lady Widow with a few of the kids from our building. They saw me and they looked at me in worry.

"Don't you dare hurt them," I spat.
"No promises," He smiled.
"Cunt," I hissed.
"Don't take to me like that," He said pulling my hair harder, "Heres something new to get you started with."

He threw me on to the floor and kicked me. He quickly left and I see the everyone that I knew run up to me.

"Dipper your all bloody," Zo said,
"What did he do to you?"
"Hughes did this," I said.

I tried to get up, but I couldn't. Widow helped me stand and placed my arm around her shoulder.

"Y-You got caught too?" I mumbled.
"Yeah," Lady Widow said.

Widow sat me down in a chair that was in between two bunks. My eyes glowed as I felt my insides burn. My were eyes beginning to close.

"Dipper!" Zo said.
"Y-Yeah?" I stuttered.
"Don't close your eyes," Zo said, "The needle he put in you..."
"I-I know," I mumbled to him, "I've been through this before."

The Gifted Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora